Chapter 9: Farewell, for now

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(Warning: a sad sudden change)

Smg3, paused for a moment. He looked over to a sleeping partner in bed, peaceful smg4 lays there. Smg3 sigh softly then look back to the empty paper, a pen in his paw and a few words he cannot express through his mind. "You know, it'll be better if you just left" Malison said creepily appears behind smg3. "I cannot go without saying what I'm.. doing." He said quietly to himself. Malison chuckled and went beside him, they say: "well of course. A small little note that may hurt his feelings, who is trying to help you. Isn't that.. great?" Smg3 stands there, thinking to himself. Staring at the empty paper, trying to find right words to say his goodbye, for now. 

"Alright.. better now or never.." he says quietly and move the pen, scribbles through the paper. The only noises is hovering over the room and through smg3's ears. He wrote and write, reading to find a little mistake if there is any. His heart aches and his eyes watered up. His breath holds for a moment until the pen stops. Smg3 sniffles, looked down while he rest his hands on the table and rethinking of his choice. Malison can sense that the deep of sadness blues over his mind. They cackled and faded away while smg3 is alone with the paper on the table, silence. "What am I doing.." said to himself, lifting the light sheet of paper yet with heavy words written on it. He stares at it, reading to see if there is a mistake and there is one: his choice. 

He looked over to smg4, seeing him sleeping away as the real seems so dull that he couldn't even see or hear

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He looked over to smg4, seeing him sleeping away as the real seems so dull that he couldn't even see or hear. Smg3 sigh deeply, wipe his face and place down the paper onto the pillow he used to lay onto. He quietly walk over to the door, place his paws on the door knob and of course he hesitated. His heart beats quickly and his breath is shorten yet so held by his tension of his chest. He look once more, loving him in his mind and small voice, "I love you smg4.. I can't have you around me anymore.. I'm sorry, it's one way to protect you." Softly say as he looks at the door knob, shaken slightly until his hand pull down and the noise is so intense by one little click. He looked back, to be sure he's not up. He is sleeping, didn't even know the small click has made. Smg3 inhale sharply then immediately walk out.

He close the door behind him then began to run away the RV and his beloved. He mind is overwhelmed by thoughts. Worry and fear has taken over that it made him run even faster then further away. He cried quietly while panting. He look back once more before the RV lose sight of him. Then he turn forward and run all fours, disappear in the forest. Hours went by, morning is rising, the sun brightens, the birds begin to sing a little sweet tone fill the air. Smg4 woke up and stretched while he rub his tired eyes. He looked around, noticing smg3 is not around. "Hm.. he might be in the bathroom." He said to himself. He place his one onto the pillow but small crumble from a sheet of paper, he immediately looked down and gotten confused why it's there. He picked it up then read it. 

"Dear smg4, I cannot let you be with me while this curse continues on, giving me the strength which I am afraid that it'll hurt you and me

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"Dear smg4, I cannot let you be with me while this curse continues on, giving me the strength which I am afraid that it'll hurt you and me. Others will be scared of this new person, person who is cannot control his emotions and mind where I lose myself. So, I have to be on my own while you're being protected and safe. This is hard for me to leave on your own, I love you so much. I'll be back.. if I have find the cure. Love, smg3" this of course hurt smg4, his tears roll down and his breath shorten yet heavy by strong emotions overtaking his mind and heart. 

He immediately walk out of the door, looked around and yell for his name. Hoping a response, so silent and a gentle breeze went by. Smg4 is desperately needed to know how or where he is now. He fell onto his weaken knees then let out of his so many tears and blue sadness overflow his eyes. He held the crumbled paper to his chest then cried more to himself. A sad scene by our minds is hurt enough to realize they have been separated, all because of our dark minds and thoughts that it overcomes to our innocent minds. We all want to help each other yet no answer has shown so we had to deal with ourselves once in a while. Maybe there is a chance if we find a right answer. Hopefully will be a right one to cure our mind and broken hearts.

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