Chapter 11: A new welcome

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(⚠️Warning⚠️: swear words, violence)

Smg4 desperately needs a way to find smg3 in this endless trail of trees. Tall trees went by him slowly as he taken his few energy he has left. Walking by, looping over and over as it's slowly driven smg4 away of his own path. Smg4 sigh deeply then sat down onto the ground beside the rock. He taken our his water bottle out of his back then took a few sips of it. He just sat there, thinking that he ever going to find his partner in the forest. He just tear up slight as he got up then start to walk again. Tiredly looking around, yelling his name out and listening carefully to hear any response. Yet so quiet, little chirping noises from little critters, the tree dances with the wind while the sun is shine above the tall trees. 

"Oh smg3.. you could've have let me help you.." he says quietly to himself. A sudden noise in the bushes, a few inches away from smg4. He immediately look up to the noise he has heard, staring and trying to see whose behind there. His mind is racing, thinking it could be smg3 but on the other it could be a dangerous thing. Then suddenly his excitement taken over his mind and hopefully it'll be smg3. "Smg3? Is that you? Please come back home with me!" Smg4 said, approaching the noise quickly but he stopped as he looked over to the bush and realized it's not who he thinks it is. He saw a tall figure slowly raising, ongoing until it stops. It spoke, "why hello!" Smg4 of course jumped by a response from this tall figure.

Smg4 slowly stepping back while he stare at this mysterious creature who is standing very still

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Smg4 slowly stepping back while he stare at this mysterious creature who is standing very still. "Aren't you look lovely today smg4!" As the creature slowly turn to smg4. Smg4 see a goat like creature staring back at him. "Who or what are you!? How do you know my name!?" As smg4 said loudly to this creature. "Oh let me introduce myself! My name is Malison and I've been watching!" They said with a chuckled, smg4 is confused yet so terrified by this response. "Watching!? What do you mean watching!" He said with a fear in his eyes. In the distance, smg3 slowly awaken by smg4's fearful voice. He got up and rub his head while his ears picked up by Malison cackle. "Oh shi- smg4 has found me! I better get out of here!" He said as he immediately got up and ran away. Back to Malison and smg4.

"What do you mean you've been watching?!" Smg4 asked loudly. Malison smiles unsettling, tilt their head and stare smg4. "I've been watching you and your little boyfriend.. the one who.. is running away right now.. and we both know why he is.." they said with their hooves together. Smg4 stare at this 'Malison' as he felt scared, he took another step back. "Wait- you're the one who has been cursed smg3! How cou-" Malison interrupted him by flew right in front of smg4 by a split second, he froze in fear as he looked up at this goat man. "You know.. I have a purpose going on and I don't want to ruin it by spending time with you.. you better go and find him before I do something wrong with that man.. or he'll be my little plaything.. forever!" Malison said with a loud cackle before they faded away. Smg4 was left alone again, terrified what he has witnessed.

 Smg4 was left alone again, terrified what he has witnessed

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