Chapter 6: thoughts

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⚠️warning⚠️: this story has some dark manner, s3/f harm.

Please be prepared what about you witness in this story. 

Smg3 is laying on his bed with smg4 right beside him. Night sky taken over the sky while the stars sparkle and the moon shine. The wind was of course gentle yet quiet. Smg4 Sleeping away peacefully while smg3 just lays there, hoping he will not fallen asleep or things will take a sudden turn for them both. He sigh deeply and look at the wall where he made a huge scratch mark. Wondering if it's him, did he do it on purpose or someone has done it? He wondered and wondered then nothing really get any better by thinking it alone. Hours went by, feeling it's been forever in night. The sun slowly rising from the earth core. Smg3 still laying there, completely tired. He rub his tired eye and slowly getting up, went to the counter then about to make some coffee for smg4. He know he would be up in any minute. He put some water in the pot then place it on the stove then turn it on medium. 

He went to the fridge and grab some fruits, place it on the counter then grab the cutting board. He drop the apple on it and grab the knife, he stared at it for one moment. Everything went silent, no birds to be heard and no little snores from smg4. His eyes were lock onto the knife, thoughts are fading in and gotten louder. Whispering in the unsettling voice, saying what he should do with the knife. His hands shaken while he started to feel cold and emotionless by staring at the knife. His heart beating louder in his chest, quickens every second. His eyes widen and his vision started to blurry while the knife is there, completely clear yet so.. terrifying to think of. He slowly pointed the knife so his hand and about to do something.. awful. Until a sudden caw from the crow outside, it broke smg3's mind and bring him back to this world.

 Until a sudden caw from the crow outside, it broke smg3's mind and bring him back to this world

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He gotten concerned about he was doing. He stands there, feeling scared yet again worried about himself. So he would cut up the fruits quickly. He put the knife down and tried not to look at it again. He went up to the pot and place it on the counter, grab two big cups and with the coffee bag. He sigh softly and began to make some coffee for himself and smg4. Who is about to wake up. He slowly and quietly got up. He yawned and rub his eyes, he noticed smg3 is stand there. "Oh hey smg3.. what are you doing? How was you sleep?" His voice was quiet and soft. Smg3 smiles and feel more relaxed by his soft voice. "I'm.. I slept pretty well. Here, I made you some coffee. Like how you wanted" as he sat down beside him and pass his coffee. Smg4 grabs it and smell the fresh coffee then sigh happily. He took a sip and leaned against smg3's shoulder, feeling better already. He grab some cut up fruits, like a little snack for the morning and he took a bite.

"Thank you smg3, this is a good coffee. I like how you made it." Says with a soft voice. Smg3 chuckled and took his hand gently. "I'm glad you like it" smg3 said as he place his head on smg4's head and sigh. Smg4 noticed his sigh so he gently got up looked at him. "You didn't sleep, did you?" His voice is still soft but a hint of sadness. Smg3 immediately look down and felt guilty for lying. "Well o sort of did.. um.." smg4 patted his shoulder, the look on his face. Smg3 knew the look. "Okay, okay.. I didn't sleep. This may sound weird but mostly sounded scary." Smg3 said while he place down his coffee. Smg4 gotten worried and sat closer to smg3. "Look smg4, I am scared to go to sleep. The last time I did.. I.. sort of wreck your RV. And we both know it was an accident but.." he paused before he speaks. "I think this is a curse.. the curse where I have nightmares and thoughts where I can't handle alone but I am scared to hurt you" as he look over, smg4 is very worried that it hurts smg3 slightly. 


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"Smg3.. I didn't know. Please.. can you tell me? How bad is it..?" Smg4 said with a sad tone. Smg3 paused and look away for a moment. 'I don't know if he can handle this kind of situation I'm in.. I'm scared it'll hurt him and thinking it's his fault' as smg3 thought. "Look, it'll be hard for me to explain since.." he went quiet and look at smg4 worried. Smg4 sigh softly and place his head on his arm and nuzzled gently. "It's okay.. I'll try to talk with you. Just.. please tell me what's going on" smg4 said while he gently hold his arm. He went silent until he spoke in a shaken manner. "It's so hard to think straight.. I know I want to say but my mouth won't say it right. It's just.." he gotten interrupted by smg4 hugged him. He heard a small cry from smg4. His heart sunk and his eye is starting to fill up by tears.

"Smg3 please.. please don't tell me it's.. someone.. please.." says in a sad voice. Smg3 sat there, feeling he's the cause of him to be this way. He hug back, tightly and rub his head. "It's not you.. if you're thinking of that. It's someone or something.. it's not you." Smg3 said with a soft tone, trying to comfort him. Smg4 sigh shaken and calmed down. "Im sorry.. I'm sorry that I brought it up but I gotten so scared that it was me.. I'm glad it's not me.. I really want to help you smg3.." said he as look at smg3 with concern stare. Smg3 smile weakly and pat his head slowly. "Oh smg4.. this is why you are so perfect.. so caring and loving.. I love you for that." Said as he gave him a kiss on the forehead. Smg4 chuckled and smiled. They both hugged tightly together and taken this moment for a few minutes. 

It felt like hours, but it was a few minutes

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It felt like hours, but it was a few minutes. Smg4 hold him tighter, "smg3.. please sleep, you need it. We both know you need it" smg3 look at him worried. "No! I can't.. it.. I.." smg4 interrupted him by saying "smg3.. I know you are scared but I'm here now, last time I wasn't. So please.. sleep and I'll comfort you." He said with comforting voice. Smg3 sat there, thinking if he should sleep or not. Smg4 gently patted his head and kissed his cheek. "Please.. you are exhausted from staying up late." He said while he caress his head. Smg3 sigh and smile slightly then began to lay down. Smg4 sigh relieved and let him lay on his lap. He gently caress his hair and humming quietly.

Immediately smg3 fallen to sleep, he was so tired from staying up late. So smg4 sat there, giving him pats and some little song. It was a wonderful time to sleep. He lay there, feeling relaxed and calm in his sleep. Smg4 smiled and looked at him lovingly. He grab his phone and take a few silly photos of sleepy smg3. But suddenly.. smg3 eyes are open, blank yet dark. Smg4 look at him worried, "smg3..? Are you okay?" He said with his voice a bit quiet. Smg3 just lay there, not moving. Not even one single muscle. Smg4 gently patted him to see if it calms him down. It did. Nothing really happened, smg3 staring blankly to the wall. It sort of scared smg4.. maybe this is what smg3 is talking about, is someone or something.. it confuses smg4 even more. 

What's going on?

What's going on?

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