Chapter 18: ᙡꗛ ᙡĬԸԸ ɌꗛꚶᙁĬꞆꗛ ꕷꗞꗞᙁ ꗛᙁꗞꚶǤዛ

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(⚠️Warning⚠️: this story has violence, blood, gore and a dark matter, be warned)

SMG4 rushed down to the stairs while meggy is in his back. Until he stop by noises on this 5th step. He go further down and get into the room where the noises are from. His eyes widen and his mouth is moving as he sees smg3 being choked by Mike. "SMG3!?" He yelled and surprised smg3 by smg4's sudden appearance. He slowly liftimg up his weak arm and reaching for smg4, gasping. Meggy got off and about to attack Mike until his tail smack her face then  she launch onto the wall. Smg4 rabidly approached Mike and jumped onto his back then pulled his ears back, Mike roared and lets go of smg3. He fell onto the ground and gasped loudly as he's trying to catch his breath. He held his neck as he look up and see Mike struggled to get smg4 off his back. He grunt and groan, trying to grab him but he is too big to do so. Smg4 then pull back hard where Mike looses his balance and fell backwards, smg4 get squished by him and the wall that it made him yelped in pain. 

It gotten smg3 pissed off that he got up, ran to Mike and grab him by the neck and head butted him with all his might and it knocked him out cold. He collapsed and went unconscious on the floor. Smg3 hold his head down just in case. He look up to smg4, who is sitting there, groaning in pain while trying to regain his breath for a minute. He crawled to him then immediately hug him tightly, "oh smg4! I'm so glad you're okay!! Did that malison got you too!?" Smg3 asked as he held smg4's face. Smg4 sigh deeply and shook his head, "it's minus, he is the one who made me this way and I'm fine! Really, I didn't really changed at all. Did Mike hurt you? Did he injure you bad?." He asked as he look for injury. SMG3 smiled and hug smg4 tightly. They both hugged and felt more than before. They both kissed each other and smiled while cuddled for a while. "I'm fine too! Don't mind me.." meggy said as he lay there, not even moving. Smg3 and smg4 both laughed softly then went to meggy and helped her up. Meggy grunt in pain as she stood up. They all look at unconscious Mike on the floor. "What do we do with him?" She asked, smg4 look at smg3 with a worry look.

 "What do we do with him?" She asked, smg4 look at smg3 with a worry look

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"Smg3 it's not what you think, he let me and meggy out." He said softly to smg3. He of course look at smg4 with a surprise look, "Him?? The man who was strangling me?! Why did he went full on murd-" he paused and remembered the eyes on Mike. Pink slit eyes staring him back, smg4 noticed this so he hug him. "He is not like this! He was helping us! I-I don't know why he just.." his words faded away. Smg3 hug back and rethink the moment before he place his paws on smg4's shoulders and look at him directly. "We need to go, now. We need to go!!" He said as he grab meggy and smg4's then immediately running. Leaving Mike behind causes smh4 felt bad, he look back before he runs with smg3. "We can't leave him there! We need to go back and-" smg3 stop him from speaking, "it's not Mike anymore! I know because his eyes! We need to go now!" He said as he ran to the stairs then leap down as he hold smg4. Smg4 and meggy screams and fell with smg3. Until he got grabbed by someone by the ankle. 

He yelped and looked up who has hold them. It was minus, in half form, covered in blood. He has hyena ears, sharp fangs, paws and a big smile. Looking at smg3 with hatred and anger. "Where the fuck you guys are going!?" He said with a menacing smile. SMG4 screamed then kicked him in the face but no effort. Smh3 look up and notice the blood, his eyes widen and yelled, "What did you do with Benjamin!? Did you kill him!?" His eye started to tear up and having hatred towards minus. Minus laughs manically as he tried to slice smg4 leg, meggy immediately took her boot off and through it onto minus's face and it hits his eye so he grunted and lets them go. They fell as smg3 landed on all fours like a cat, meggy just plopped onto his back, no injury. Smg4 landed on his feet, "ow-" he said quietly. Smg3 immediately grab him and began to ran. Minus jumped down as the ground shook and started to crack by his own weight. It causes them loose balance and fell. They turn around as minus stands there, staring them down with the psychopathic eye and big grin as he slowly walk up to them.

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