Chapter 19: A familiar corruption

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After the escape, smg3 collapsed onto the ground and smg4 immediately went down with him, "Come on 3! We need to keep going! Please!" As he said in a loud voice while shaking him. Smg3 unconscious while groaning in pain. SMG4 tried to wake him up until a lady came up to him, "It's alright honey. I got this." She said as she picked smg3 without struggle. She has strong upper body strength and full leg muscles. SMG4 amazed by this strong lady picked up a big guy without struggle. She walk and use her strength to get this going. "Who are you??" SMG4 asked as he walked along with the new lady. "My names cappella honey! I am one of you guys and I will help your friend out." She said as he smiled to smg4, a warm simple smile that made smg4 and meggy heart melted. "Wait.. what are you exactly? SMG4 is like.. a dog and smg3 is., some kind of.. something and what are you?" Meggy asked kindly. Cappella shook her head and smiled at meggy, "i can say I'm a lynx. I suppose you were wondering of course." 

Meggy chuckled and rubbed her head, "yeah... I am still new into this whole "curse" thing going on. So tell me.. where are you taking him?" She asked. Cappella point right ahead and they see a cave. A tall like cave that it seems to be blend in with the rocky landscape and a few tall trees. It was unnoticeable. "Woah! This is perfect! Is every one is there as well?" SMG4 looked at her with his tail wagging, cappella scoffed and said, "well what do you think we are going? This is our hideout for now until we figure out this whole 'curse'" as she walk in first. SMG4 and meggy looked at each other before they followed her in. They see a lot of people, hanging around and while taking care of each other, even having a conversation about to get rid of the cursed. Cappella place smg3 down onto the pile of leafs. "Oh smg3.. you did everything you could. Just rest now" smg4 said in a gentle tone as he kiss him on the forehead. He look up at cappella, "so.. when did you get your corruption?" He asked gently.

 when did you get your corruption?" He asked gently

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"Oh dear.. if I remember correctly, I may have this awful thing for.. 8 months by now I suppose. I haven't seen my elder son and my beautiful daughter since this terrible curse has started. That man took me in and gave me a worst time. He wants me to be his side so he can get what he wanted. I declined and he put me away, I never seen my beloved children ever since. One day I will met them again when I am not.. this." She said as she sigh deeply. Smg4 pat her on the shoulder, she smiled and wipe her eye. "I'm fine, really. I just love my children and missed them so. Just worry about your little boyfriend while I discuss with others." She gave him a warm smile before she turned and walk off. "I can't believe this curse has effected on good people too.." as smg4 thought when he look at his paw. Meggy went up to him, "hey come on. We will need this curse gone once in for all! We know it!" She said as she pat his back.

Smg4 chuckled and smiled slightly, "I know meggy, I'm just worried what it'll do to us when it's.. never worked. I'm just scared.. that's all." He said. Meggy just nodded, "I know how it is and you know what I do when I'm scared?" She asked softly. Smg4 shook is head. "Well, when ever I'm scared, I would just take deep breaths and think a happy place and friends I got to see, then take a moment to think about my happy life." She says in a soft tone when she talks. Smg4 took a moment to think, before he look over to smg3. He looks exhausted and in pain that it made smb4 worried. So he just went up to him and sat down beside him, giving him headpats. "Oh smg3, you did everything you could to protect me and our friends. I love you for that, I love you so much more. I know you always make sure that seeing us being safe and healthy. I know you may have some time to get used to be loved and cared for but I knew you will love it in any way. You just don't show it much which I find it cute actually. I know you may or may not hear me and I hope you do because I want to say is.. I love you, no matter what." SMG4 said in a soft manner that he tear up. 

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