Chapter 3: nightmares

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⚠️Warning: S3/f harm, blood and dark matter in this story. Be warned!

Smg3 lay there peacefully, sleeping like a little baby in smg4's bed. His mind is in a right place to rest, a field of wheats dancing with the wind while the sun brightens away and cover the whole world in a peaceful manner. Smg3 just walk by while he holds hand with smg4. Together, it was a wonderful mind in a deep slumber, a man of his dreams walking with him in the calm breeze. They lock eyes together and loving the moment they had. They put their hands together and hold tightly while the wind slowly went by.

"This is so wonderful.. I really hope this lasts forever.." as smg3 thought while he look at smg4 lovingly. He sigh quietly while they went to the huge tree in the middle of the wheats. He walk up and hold smg4's hand, dragging along with him then arrive to this calm tree. Smg3 sat down and place him beside him. Smg4 place his head on his shoulder and smile widely then blushed deeply. They both sat there and taken this romantic moment. All silent and happy as they sat there together. The moment was perfect to be true. When smg3 closed his eyes, and thought "this is the best dream I've ever had in years.." then when he open his eyes, everything changed.

Smg4's mouth and eyes are slowly poured out some kind of black ooze as the huge two eyes behind suddenly opened

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Smg4's mouth and eyes are slowly poured out some kind of black ooze as the huge two eyes behind suddenly opened. Bright pink eyes stared down at smg3 and cackle so loud as the ground shook. Smg3 screams and tried to run but smg4 hold onto his hands tightly that he cannot escape. The eyes shrink down and transform into a goat like entity. "Well hello! If it's isn't smg3!? The one and only true dark soul!" They spoke in a unsettling manner while they just tilt their head and look into smg3's fearful eyes.

"Who the hell are you!? What is happening here!?" He spoke in a nervous tone. "Ooh ohh! He's a fighter! That's what I like! A toy to play with!" Then they approach him and boops his nose. "Get the hell away from me! Who or what are you and why are you here!?" He asked as he's been trying to set free from this so called smg4 grip. "Ooh I cannot tell you my precious little play thing! It's my dear little secret that I like to keep on my own!" They just cackle and then they walk around smg3. Watching him closely.

"Wait- what do you mean dark soul?! I've changed! I've change for the better!" He spoke as he look at the goat creature

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"Wait- what do you mean dark soul?! I've changed! I've change for the better!" He spoke as he look at the goat creature. "Oooh right! You did! The looks matter but the heart says the truth you little silly billy!" They spoke in a playful tone while they took his hat. "Hey! You don't need  know about me you-" they interrupted with a loud cackle. "Ooh ohh! I like this one! So loud and moody while he thinks he's a better person! Look, I'm here to have fun with you!" They say with a high voice as they clap their hooves together then everything changed. It turn into a dark void as the two are alone and floating around. Smg3 is panicking while he tried to stay in one spot.

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