Chapter 12: Force's one way in

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Smg3 woke up from this worst sleep he had. He lay on this cold grey floor, a dim light above him seem so calm. A few dust particles flow smoothly through the sky and flew away by smg3's soft breath. He slowly got up, looked around this place. A simple bucket, to the very little bed with a pillow. He gotten confused, how did he got here? Where is this place? A small switch from above and the bright light hurt smg3 eye, he grunt and covered the light with his paw. A sudden loud voice has heard, "Did kitten had a good sleep? I sure hope so.. I want you to have a good time here.." a familiar voice. A low raspy voice has spoke to smg3. 

Smg3 sat up, the light has given smh3 some time to see, he saw the pink hair man hunching over the circle like opening above him. The man chuckled and smiled at him, "you know.. I never seen anyone like you before.. such a great deal with this.. 'corruption' you have little kitten." The man said with a hint of excitement. Smg3 rub his eye tiredly. "Why the hell am I here for..? Why am I-" a sudden laugh from the man, "oh you don't know! Of course you don't! ,Ah be one day I will tell you everything later on.." he said with a low voice, which it gave smg3 some chills to his spine. Smg3 sigh deeply and looked away, "stop doing that.. giving me chills.." says underneath his breathe"

Smg3 look at him once more, with a tired expression

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Smg3 look at him once more, with a tired expression. "I got to ask.. who are you exactly?" The man chuckled and lean forward, smiling down to helpless smg3. "Well, you should've known me by now.. by the news.. My name is Minus.. and this is my right hand man, Daniel." Daniel walk up and looked down at smg3 as well. "Hey there little rascal." He said as he held the cigarette into his mouth. "We both are the most wanted on this town.. maybe other town is still looking for us.." he chuckled and turned to smg3. "So.. you guys are criminals?" Smg3 asked. Daniel spoke, "hell yes we are you little cat! We are always on the run and keep on going until we die!" Minus smiled and wrap his arm around Daniel's shoulders then said, "he's right! We've been doing this for years.. and that's all I can say.. If I keep giving you our past and information.. I may have to kill you!" He laughed and Daniel laughed as well. 

They both walk away. Smg3 whispered "damn.. they have a thing going on.. I can tell by that Daniel guy face... he sort of like me back then.. anyways.." he got up, walk around this place he is in, a cold dark place and there is a dim light above him. Then he looks up, the circular opening. He crouch down, wiggle his tail them jumps high but there was a very unnoticeable glass which he hit his head hard. He fell and grunted in pain. He fell hard into the ground and he held his head then just tried to ease the pain by rubbing it. "Ugh.. do they have a microphone on?? It sounded so smooth without it.. why is there a glass there!?" Then he sat up, sigh deeply and looked at his paws. "I need to get out of here.. out of this.. random place I'm in.." he said to himself. Malison appeared, "ooh ohh what did I miss?!" They said with excitement in their eyes.

 Malison appeared, "ooh ohh what did I miss?!" They said with excitement in their eyes

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