Chapter 17: a sudden change

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⚠️warning⚠️: this story has violence, swearing and very dark manner, be warned.

Mike ran up, slam down the door with his full body strength and it flew into the sky through to the stars it goes. Meggy felt scared when the door is no longer in sight. Smg4 covered his eyes and tried to calm down. This concern mike so he place down meggy right behind him then slowly approaching smg4, "alright smg4.. you need to calm down.. I know it's so much to handle right now but you need to calm yourself." Mike said in a soft voice. Meggy stayed behind Mike and following him, "yeah smg4, you need your happy place.. your calm happy place.." she said, trying to find right words to say. Smg4 struggled and panting loudly as he tried to get his vision back, a blurry vision where he see a few shadow figures and unnerving whispering in his mind. Mike noticed so he moved meggy behind the heater and slowly stepping back, "smg4 listen to me now. Please calm down and help your mind with positive thoughts. Please for your own sake." Mike said as he approached, smg4 did heard Mike so he tried to find a happy place in his overwhelming mind.

He took deep breaths, closing his eyes and imagining him and smg3 on the bench together. In a calm yet relaxed atmosphere in the park. It calmed him down and smg4 sigh deeply, it took him a few minutes to calm down. Mike was impressed.. to impressed, "wow.. you managed to do that so quickly, that might be the quickest way to calm down. All of us don't usually calm down that easily.." Mike said as he stood up. Smg4 rubbed his eyes and look at Mike, shrugs. "Well, I just imagine a calm and peaceful imagination where I'm with a loved one. A.. lovely time to spend with." He said with a hint of blush on his face. Mike stop and thought of what he said, "well it's easy for you to say, it's hard for me to calm down and it'll be more difficult when it comes to.. overthinking." Mike said as he rub his arm. Smg4 walk up to Mike and pat his back, "well, all you need to do is just think to yourself and go to your happy place, like how you said." Smg4 said with a smile. Mike he just look to the side and sigh deeply, "no.. I just can't do what you do.. that's you.. it's hard for me to hear the same words from me! it can't be that easy! It's can't be that easy when you have your first form!!" He yelled at smg4 as he look down at him. Smg4 gasped and took a step back, kind of scared of Mike towering over him.

Mean while, minus and Daniel ran in and seeing this a chaos situation of the corruptions died down and some of them killed their men, it's a war of men vs corruption

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Mean while, minus and Daniel ran in and seeing this a chaos situation of the corruptions died down and some of them killed their men, it's a war of men vs corruption. Minus gotten pissed and said "What the actual fuck is going on here!? Why does this always happen when I take a fucking break?!" As he tried to stay calm. Daniel couldn't believe his eyes, he run up to the small stair case, went to the panel and turn in the microphone, "Emergency Services are now calling! Keep caution and watch out for corruptions! Men keep them there!" He said as he went back to minus. Minus was about to lose his mind what is going on. "Minus bud' come on.. calm down and please keep it together.. we need a plan here before things get more complicated! Please minus!" Daniel said as he hold onto minus's arm. Minus pull his arm away and taken out a small device out of his pocket, there is a case covering the few buttons. Daniel see it and shook his head, "No no no no! We can't use them! We have more time! We trust these men we trained for!" He said as he hold onto minus chest. Minus scoffed and removed the case, press down a button and another huge door is opening.

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