Chapter 7: worsened

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⚠️warning⚠️ this story has some dark manner: violence and  s3/f harm

Be prepared for this.

Smg3 eyes open and he is in the dark void once again. He sigh deeply and look around frustration, "really?! Again?! I can't believe this only happens when I sleep!" He said as he gotten angry. A sudden faint voice in the background. "Smg3.. it's okay. I'm here" smg4 soothing voice calms his mind. The whole void turns into a whole field of wheat. He softly sigh and look around. It was a peaceful moment, it's much better than before. "Maybe this is a way to keep it together.. having someone.." smile warmly and place his hands on his chest. "Smg4.." he said in a quiet tone and look up to the sky. While in real world, smg4 pat smg3's head and humming quietly. His eyes were open, laying on his lap and looking blankly at the wall. It gotten smg4 confused but he would continue comforting him and try to keep calm.

"Smg3, I just want to say is I still love you, no matter what. We had our little fights and little disagreements but I still love you. It's okay to feel this way. I'll keep loving you until the end." Says softly while he start to rubs smg3's face. A sudden purr came from him and close his eye, calmly lay there and sigh. Smg4 chuckled and looked down at him, knowing he's okay. They had their moments together. Quiet and relaxing, a special kind of warmth through their hearts and mind. Smg3 sat up and look at smg4 with this blank stare. Smg4 look at him confused yet little unease. "Are you okay smg3? Is there any-" smg3 interrupted him by nuzzled his head and purr, no response, no words, just nuzzled and little purrs.

 "Are you okay smg3? Is there any-" smg3 interrupted him by nuzzled his head and purr, no response, no words, just nuzzled and little purrs

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Smg4 jumped a little but immediately smile. "Okay, I'll just stay here until.. you're done or something." He said and he hug smg3. He kept nuzzling while purring loudly. It's pretty much like a cat wanting attention. Smg4 gently place his hand on his face and gently caress. Smg3 just lick his hand and purr. It made smg4 blush, he just let him be and continue on comforting him. Suddenly Smg3 started to nibble his hand, showing him affection.. smg4 slowly turning red and look at him really confused why he's nibbling his hand. "Smg3.. what are you doing?" He said nervously while he look at him. Smg3 eye widen and look at him. Emotionless, no words or anything. It's just a purr. In smg3's mind, he can hear everything but cannot see anything. "Smg4? Wh- what's going on? I can hear you!" As he scream in his mind but not really coming out of this mouth. "Well.. all I can do is just sit here and wait until I'm rested up. Or something.." he sat down on the ground and wait while he listened to smg4's voice in the sky. 

In the real world, he continued on licking his hand and minding his own business as smg4 just stay there and not knowing what to do. His face is red and warm by his hand being licked on. Suddenly smg3 stop and look at the wall, a small beetle landed there. The purring gotten louder as he stare at the beetle. Smg4 turn and relief that he stops licking. "It's just a beetle, it's not doing anything so don't worry" as he turn back to smg3. He notices his eye is widen and his tail swaying left and right. He chuckled and smile at him, seeing him like this is adorable. Then so sudden smg3 just pounces the wall then tried to catch the beetle. Smg4 was startled that it happened so quickly. "Smg3.. it's just a Beetle" he said quietly while he watch this. The beetle flew upwards and smg3 stands up then swing his hands around, trying to catch this little critter. 

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