Chapter 8: mindset

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It was a cloudy day, it was cold, little breeze went by and the window is shut, smg3 sat on the bed. Wondering what else to do. He is not paying attention to the real world while he think a way to get rid of this horrible curse. It cause him to overwhelm by horrible thoughts and feelings by thinking about it to much. Smg4 snap his fingers and it bring him back. "Smh3..? Are you okay? I made you noodles.." he said with a gentle smile and sat beside him. Smg3 sigh and hold onto the noodles. He stares at it, not really hungry. He place it down and went quiet, no words were heard from him and smg4 gotten worried. He place his hand on his arm then pats, "look. I don't thinks aren't going out way but we have to keep going and find it our own. You and me.. smg3." He said with a soft voice while rub his back slowly. It calms smg3 a little but not much as before. 

They sat there for a moment, trying to think a way to get this whole situation

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They sat there for a moment, trying to think a way to get this whole situation. Smg3 look down and sigh, "smg4.. how.. do you handle your emotions? Mostly about being sad, angry and depressed.. how do you handle?" He look over to him with a sadness in his eyes. Smg4 paused for a second until he respond with: "it's not easy for me. To be honest, it take some time for me to calm down. All I can do is blow of some steam or listen to my favourite songs or watch my favourite shows. One way or another it'll be okay." As he hug smg3. Smg3 hug back and try to process. Knowing it'll calm down his corruption for a short amount of time. He sigh once again and pull back while he closed his eyes. 

"Smg4.. please. We need to find a way to get rid of this.. I don't want to have this anymore." He said with a sad tone. "It's alright.. we need to find a way.. it'll be some time right now. So please. Follow me lead" then he took a deep breath, smg3 followed along. He slowly exhale and look at him. Smg3 does the same. They did this for a few minutes and it calmed smg3 way better. Smg4 got up, went through his bag and went to get his laptop then pass it to smg3. "Is there anything you like to watch? Something to help you calm down?" He said with a slight smile. Smg3 thought got a moment until he put on some funny memes and cute eggdog videos. It does help him settle his feelings together. 

Smg4 glance over to him and smile warmly

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Smg4 glance over to him and smile warmly. Seeing him calm is the only thing he wants from him. A small gentle smile with a calm heart. Smg3 stare at the laptop and chuckle to himself as he watch some cute egg dog videos. Smg4 thought about it and he has to asked. "Smg3.. where is your eggdog?" Says softly to make sure it's just so worrisome. Smg3 just look away and not wanting to answer. "Oh.. sorry. He's at your house isn't he?" Smg4 asked quietly. Smg3 nodded and gotten depressed about it. (This was a week ago): smg3 did thought of seeing eggdog to show him he's okay but eggdog felt scared and wanting to be away from him.

It hurts smg3 to see his beloved eggdog is fear of him. It hurts so much that he blames the curse to have this in the first place. He told smg4 to place him in his house and leave him be while the automatic dog feeder and a little bathroom at the backyard. Eggdog will be fine but smg3 will remember the fearful expression from his pet or son. (Present): so, all he can do is be worry and make sure the house is safe once in a while by checking his phone. A camera shows eggdog sleeping in the bed of smg3's. He felt so comfortable by his scent as smg3 felt so alone without him. 

"Oh smg3

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"Oh smg3.. it's okay. Eggdog is fin-" smg3 immediately interrupts him with a sudden burst of anger. "No smg4! He is not! I can tell he's not! He cannot go without my support and cuddles every night! He will feel lonely when I don't give him attention before bed! You don't know how much I love my eggdog!" He said as he expressions change to sadness when he stare at smg4. Smg4 felt a little hurt by hearing this but he understands it. "Smg3.. it's okay. I understand. I know how it is with out little guy." As he sat there and look away. Sighing to himself. 

They at there while the laptop is the only thing that is in the background. "I can't get enough of this." Smg3 said in a soft tone and lean against smg4. Smg4 looked over and wrap his arm around his head and pats slowly. "I don't want this anymore.. tomorrow.. we have to find a way by just.. go outside and maybe.. ask our friends for help." Smg3 say to smg4. He hesitates until he responds. "Okay smg3, if that's what you wanted. We can. We just relax and watch these videos while we wait 'til tomorrow" he said as he nuzzled his head slightly. Smg3 thought of something to himself. 

A thought of something he should do something about it

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A thought of something he should do something about it. So, they both say there together while watching some cute videos to be in ease and calm. Unfortunately smg3 has not paying attention most of the time. He cannot take his mind of something he doesn't want to think. A few hours went by and smg4 yawned loudly as he rub his eye tiredly. He looked over to smg3, he realized he was a sleep this whole time. So he gently tap his shoulder then whispered, "smg3.. I think you should go lay down. You little sleepy head" he said with a little cute smile. Smg3 mumbled and say "no" like a little kid did not want to be up. 

So smg4 slowly place him down and cover him up with the blanket. He kiss his head and say goodnight. He got up, put his laptop away. Getting ready for bed and lay beside smg3. He slowly close his eyes and his mind fading away as the real seem so small to them. Small yet quite silent. He fallen a sleep pretty quick, smg3 eye open and looked at smg4. He just lay there, wondering if he should do it or not. He got up slowly and carefully to make sure he doesn't wake him up. So, he stands up and looked around to find something. He went to the shelf, grab the paper and a pen. Place it down onto the table then thought of way to put right words into this note. He did thought of something.

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