Chapter 15: a simple plan

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Smg3 pacing back and forth, thinking a way out. "Try and see if you come up with something smg3, I tried." Benjamin said through the hole. Smg3 scoffed and kept pacing. Until he stops and think. "Hey Benjamin, you do say that lunch time is when they open the door, right? And you jumped out as you almost managed to escape?" Smg3 asked. A deep sigh from Benjamin and he hesitated before he answered, "well yes, four times and they locked me up right after that. Let me guess.. you gonna try that?" He said. Smg3 paused for a moment. He lift his arm up and pat it, he remembered how strong he is. "Yeah of course I am and.. I am strong enough to knock down a tree.. hm." He said as he went up to the wall and whispered to Benjamin. "Maybe I have an idea, here's the plan." He whispered and putting the plan together with Benjamin.

Mean while, Minus is at the office with Daniel along his side. Minus sat there and working on something. Daniel sort of zoned out and look around, he lean towards Minus, curious what he is working. Minus noticed, "what is it Daniel?" He said in a soft tone. Daniel did jumped slightly and stood back up then rub his head. "Oh just.. checking if you're still there.. you really are working hard on this project Minus, why don't you take a break?" He asked. Minus shook his head and lean back on the chair, little tired. "No, I won't Dan. I don't want to take a break and let this off for a few hours, I need this. We both know we need this." He lean back onto the table and looked at Daniel with serious expression. Daniel immediately looked away and thought "'we'.. I can't believe he said 'we'" he paused for a moment and look back at Minus. "Alright, I just want to be sure you don't work to hard on yourself. I don't want you to flip out again.. like how you did last time." Daniel said.

Minus just stood there and remembered what he did the last time he worked

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Minus just stood there and remembered what he did the last time he worked. It was a very blurry memory and of course he didn't want to remember. He rub his head and looked at Daniel. "Alright fine, just 20 minutes. How does that sound?" He said with a soft eyes. Daniel smiled and nodded. "Yep, enough to feel relaxed, even it's just 20 minutes. How about you and me go out to have a cigarette?" He asked with a small chuckle. Minus agreed and stand up then walk with Daniel out of the office. Mike sat by the door then noticed them walking out. He was confused but didn't want to be a bother so he let them be. So he stayed there until minus and Daniel out of his sight. He got up and immediately walk into the office and look onto the table. Seeing blueprint and plans. He was shocked and horrified what he is seeing. 

Mike took a closer look and realized what minus has been planing. He felt his heart sank and stopped for a split second before he went back out of the office and sat down, trying to calm himself off what he just saw. He is alone and no one is around to comfort him, until he remembered meggy and smg4. So he stands up and walk to the hallway. About to see them if they're okay, which it's hard to believe what just happened. He went to the door, peek through the window and.. seeing them okay. Smg4 just sits there crying dramatically while meggy is there to comfort him. Mike thought it'll be like a horrible crime scene but this is not what he expected. So he open the door and walk in then went up to them. Meggy immediately got up and hold her ground. "Who are you!? Why are you working with him!? Let us out now!" She ran up to Mike and did a jump then kick him in the chest, no pain has shown. She gotten scared so she tried to do it again, nothing from Mike. He grip onto her leg and lift, meggy is dangled down and screamed, smg4 saw this and immediately started to approach Mike, he roared and about to attack until Mike taken out one of the blueprint's of minus work. Smg4 stood his ground and look at this with a confused expression.

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