Chapter 5: abilities

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Hours went by as smg3 is on the chair while he rest his arms of the table. Playing smg4's Nintendo switch. Smg4 is on his bed while being on his computer, working his memes and videos. Smg3 is playing Mario kart, a little race car game where it can be difficult to play online. "Oh come on! I had a Shell! I would have hit that guy!" He said with a anger tone. Then suddenly smg3 broke the controller in half by a small grip. Smg3 took a short time to process until he eventually hid it away and tried to be cool but smg4 saw everything. "Did you.. really break my controllers?" Smg4 ask in a quiet tone. Smg3 looked away and sigh.

"Yes I did, it's by accident! This guy is annoying and he made me angry which i- did broke it.. oops" then he laugh nervously. Smg4 got up and went to his closet then grab a new pair of controllers. "It's fine, I know how these are. Get damaged easily by a single press on the joystick." Smg4 said it's a soft tone. "Thanks.. sorry about these" then smg3 pass him the broken controllers. Smg4 eyes widen and took a closer look. "Did you really do this? How? I couldn't even do that.. I'm sort of impressed" smg4 said while he looks at his broken controllers in awe.

He look at his hand and wondered how this

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He look at his hand and wondered how this.. form really is. He got up and look at smg4. "Why don't we try it out? I never really thought of trying this. I'm curious now" he said. Smg4's eyes lit up and a smile on his face. "Alright! We can try something here.. or maybe outside?" Smg4 said with a curious expression. Smg3 looked around and sees the empty can of food. He went up to it, grabs it then immediately he crushes it. Smg4 jumped by a sudden sound. "Holy shi-" smg3 got interrupted by smg4 bumped onto him and hold his arm. "I can't believe you just do that! It was so quick too!" Smg4 began to jump up and down excitement.

Smg3 find this cute, seeing him excited by jumping. "Maybe we can try something else! Maybe.." smg4 paused for a moment. Smg4 just got up and went to the drivers seat then starts the RV. Smg3 is completely confused so he went up to smg4. "Dude- what are you doing? People would be confused why you left! We can't just leave and-" smg4 interrupt him again. "It'll be quick, I want to see what else you can do with your strength. Most likely your powers of this form. I'm getting to curious for it!" Says with a small chuckled. Smg3 wonders the same thing so, he let him take the RV some where for a while. So he went back to the chair and sat back then gotten relaxed.

 So he went back to the chair and sat back then gotten relaxed

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