Chapter 16: Disarray hour

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(⚠️warning⚠️ this may cause some: self harm, violence, blood and dark matter. Be warned)

Mike leaned forward to meggy and smg4, "I know this place but it'll be difficult because I won't be remembered how this place is and there are a lot of guards around in this building. This is a 6 level building and a couple of rooms, if you manage to see one big room with circle like glass on floors.. those are the people who are like me.. well with smg4 for now." He said in a soft tone. Meggy and smg4 eyes widen and he spoke, "we did see one of the rooms! Is there a control room for that? We need to find one so we can help them out! I want to help smg3!" SMG4 said. Meggy pat his back and smile, "we will, all of us. Even tari and others, if they have their plan on their own. It'll be a little mystery what they're planing but surely it'll help us. Okay?" She said with a hint of confidence. Smg4 nod and agreed. He look over to Mike and gave him a serious look, "Mike, tell us where to start, you know this place better than us." 

He said. Mike paused for a moment, thinking what to do. "Alright, but it'll be a while to think a plan. We need some kind of way to get to the control panel, it's on the second floor and we are on the fifth floor. It's pretty much like a full maze for me.. I am not good with directions." Mike said in a nervous manner. Meggy and smg4 look at each other, knowing what to do. "Alright mike, let's do this. Meggy, I need you to play dead and I will stay here but the door would be unlock. So I can find myself way to the roof, get them a sign and get others without getting caught. Is that clear?" Smg4 said. Meggy agreed but with Mike, little nervous to do anything at this point. "Oh uh.. this is disgusting but we need blood so it doesn't look suspicious, come here." Mike pull meggy in, he pull his sleeves up and bite is own arm then it bleeds, it drips all over meggys shirt and legs, she just gags and covered her mouth. "Why does your blood smells like that!? And look so dark?!" She asked disgustingly. Mike sigh deeply, "I don't really know but it's one way, sorry.." he licked his own arm and it heals quickly. 


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"Wait.. why are there so many bite marks? Isn't that.." SMG4 asked. Mike hesitated to answer, he look over to smg4. "I don't want to talk about it, let's just get this over with." He replied and got up then place meggy onto his shoulders, meggy played dead and smg4 stayed put. Mike put the muzzled back on, took a deep breath and began to walk out while leaving the door unlock. Mike will try to remember the rooms and floors, surely it'll be right. Smg4 look at the window to see Mike walking off and looking for guards to be sure it's clear. SMG4 do see the stairs by the exit door, "this is perfect.. I can just walk up to the stairs, going on the roof and to see if tari will know I'm giving her a sign.." he slightly open the door, peeking thought to see. It's clear, so he open the door, rush to the stairs and head up, but he stood his ground and he hears someone coming up, so he went for it. Running up like a wild animal, "hello??" Someone said in the stair case. He made it to the door and opened, he see a helicopter and a few boxes along side it. It seem packed with a high technology. 

SMG4 went up to the helicopter, digging through it until he found the flashlight. He went to the edge, flashing it to any Direction, hoping a sigh of tari. After a few tries until a light blue beam as shown, flicking. He knew who it is so he waved to that direction. To the ground, tari used a telescope to see, she gasped and looked who it is. She was horrified to see smg4 in this form but she knew it's him, "Hey guys! It's smg4! He look a little off.. but I know it's him. Alright, we need to find a way in." She said as she look over to Luigi, Mario, Bob, boopkins, melony and  Saiko. All together in the bush, planning. Tari went up to them, "have you guys figured out what to do?" She asked. "We will break in, shoot them down and take their money" Bob said as he taken out a dozen of bullets. Tari just look at him disappointed, Bob doesn't care of course. "That's not how we planned Bob! We need a simple and effective plan." She said with a hint of confidence. "How about we just go in and gave him a hug and reasoning them?" Boopkins said. Tari shook her head.

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