New start

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The next day at school I keep my head down and try to ignore peoples starring but it's hard as everyone is constantly looking at me. But suddenly I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder and I turn around see James.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asks with a smile on his face and I smile back before answering.
"Of course, what's up?" I ask and turn so that I'm facing him fully now.
"Look I know that we kind of got of on the wrong foot and everything happened right then so I thought why not start over and pretend nothing of this happened, okay? He says and would look at me with the most kind eyes I have ever seen.
"Sure" I say and smile at him. Then I would reach out my hand for him to shake.
"I'm Hannah" I say jokingly and would chuckle slightly. He chuckled with me then take my hand and shake it.
"Nice to meet you Hannah, I'm James" He says and winks at me and I smile at him, the bell rings and we start going to class but when I go to pull my hand away from him he holds on to my pinky all the way to class. I swear my heart jumped out of my chest right then and there, I couldn't concentrate for the whole lesson and was just thinking of him.

What was this? Why did I feel like this? No Hannah you must snap out of it!

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a book get slammed on my desk and I look up to see the teacher looking at me with a stern look on their face.
"Miss Baked are you even listening?" They ask looking straight in my eyes, I quickly nod. The class giggles a bit but i couldn't care less I was feeling something that I hadn't felt in a long time "love".

The next few weeks me and James get closer and we hang out often but I can't stop think about that feeling, that little butterfly in my stomach who always comes out when I see him. How could anyone resist him? His brown and soft hair was always perfect. And his eyes, those ice blue eyes that could cast a spell over you just by looking at them. I was think about him all the time and one day my brother notices when I start to wonder off think while we are eating.

"You okay?" He asks with a concerned look on his face.
"More then okay" I say and smile and start food play with my food a bit.
"Who is the lucky guy?" He says and his expression changes from concern to a cocky smirk.
"How did you know it was a guy?!" I say confused and my eyes widen.
"Come one I'm your brother!" He says and would nudge me a bit*
"True... his name is James and he is perfect..." I say and sigh smiling.
"Someone is in love!" He says teasingly and would start with the dices. I look done and think for a while.
"Maybe you are right... *I say quietly my face going bright red.
"Good now the next time you see this boy ask him out for dinner" He smirks at me and would look at me teasingly.
Fine... *I say quietly turning a even darker shade of red as I was so embarrassed. But he was right that was the thing I should do, ask him out.

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