Trial day

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The next morning I wake up and groan, the bed was really on comfortable and my back was hurting from it. I sit up and would bring my knees up to my chest and lean back on the wall that the bed was standing against. Today was trial and I would have to tell everyone in that room what I planned on doing with that gun, just the thought of everyone's faces when they heard it made my stomach turn. Could I lie? No, that will set me in prison. I am sitting on the bed staring in to the wall trying to figure out what to do when someone sits next to me which make me flinch.

"Hey it's just me" The person says, I turn to see who it is.
"James?" I say confused but on the inside I'm actually really happy that he is here.
"Yeah sorry I just wanted to see how you were doing" He says and smiles at me with compassion in his voice. That's when I break and I hug him tightly and cry silently.
"I'm so sorry..." I whisper in between the sobs and hug him even tighter.
"Shhh it's okay you will get through this" He says and hugs me back and would make circles on my back to calm me down. After a while he pulled away and looked at me.
"Hannah it's going to be fine, I promise" He says and smiles at me, that smile gave me butterflies in my stomach and I smiled back.

"All rise!" A man says and everyone in the courtroom stands up. And the judge comes in and sit down in her chair.
"Please be seated" The judge says after sitting down.
"You may begin the opening statement" She says to the attorney.
"Thank you, your honor, this girl is a threat to us all" The attorney begins. "She brought a gun to a public school where kids run around and have fun, what if her intentions were to shoot someone?" He continues with a stern tone. My lawyer stands up.
"I can assure you that this was not a attempt of murder" She says to the attorney.
"And how could you be so sure about that?" He says and looks at her with a cold glare. She is about to answer but looks down to me first to get my approval and I nod.
"We know that because we found out that this was not an attempt of murder but of suicide..." My lawyer says then picks up a envelope. "Here is my proof of that" She says while holding up the envelope.
"Objection, is that checked before hand?" The attorney says and stands up.
"Yes Mr.Clark it was, now you may continue" The judge says and motions for my lawyer to continue. She walks up and gives the envelope to the judge.
"These are the suicide letters we found in her room" My lawyer says with a sad voice then she walks back to me and places and reassuring hand in my shoulder. The judge looks at the letters and everyone could see that she was near tears as she read them.
"Hannah..." The judge says and looks at me. "Why do you wish to die?" She says while trying to hold back tears.
"Let's turn that question around, what is the point of this thing we call living?" I say and look up at her coldly but still with a sad expression on my face. The judge looks at me softly.
"I understand that you feel that the world is a hard place right now and that's why I have already decided that this trial will not continue" The judge says and smiles at me.
"But I want to give you the help you need to, here by I sentence miss Hannah to 6 months of mandatory therapy once a week" She says and bangs the mallet in the table then walk out. I am sitting in my chair looking down while I can feel the attorney and everyone else in the room glaring at me and I get enough and I walk out of the courtroom.

I sit down on the bench out side and take some deep breaths. My brother comes and sits next to me, he brings me in to a tight hug.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He says and caresses my hair to comfort me.
"I didn't want to make you worry" I say and hug him back.
"Well you did now little sis" He says and kisses my forehead.
"But everything will be fine okay?" He says and continues to hold me while I nod.

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