Chapter 17

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"Y/n, you're friends with Bakugo, right? How do you think this will go, with him against your brother?" Denki asked me, gaining the attention of several others.

"Well, I won't lie in saying I don't think Izuku and Ochaco have the best chances," I said, making some of my classmates' eyes widen in surprise.

"Really? You don't have faith in your own brother?" Ojiro mumbled, making me shake my head.

"I didn't mean it like Izuku's incapable of beating them." I corrected. "It's just, Bakugo's been working on his quirk ever since he first got it. And Izuku... well, he still has a long way to go. Even if the two can outsmart them, I don't think Izuku and Ochaco have too good of a chance because of their skill levels. Especially since Bakugo has a vendetta against Izuku."

"I've noticed that." Yaoyorozu nodded, holding her chin.

"Yeah! What's up with that?" Mina asked.

"I'm not really sure, to be honest. The two have known each other since they were in primary school, so I assume it stems from something that happened then." I shrugged.

"Y/n, why did you say that as if you didn't go to the same primary school as them? Did you not go to the same schools as your brother?" Sero asked.

"Well, actually, no. I only met both boys earlier this year." I shrugged, causing everyone to start hurling questions at me.

"All right! Let's begin the indoor combat training!" All Might started, bringing everyone's attention back to the training battle below. "Team A, and Team D, your time starts now!"

"Pay attention, kids. Think about what you would do." All Might told the rest of us as we watched Izuku and Uraraka slip into a building threw a window.

It took a moment, but soon enough Bakugo jumped out from his hiding place, blasting Ochaco and Izuku, causing half of the laters mask to tear off.

"He almost got the jump on him!" Mineta gasped.

"Sneack attack Bakugo?" Kiri punched his hand. "What kind of man pulls cheap crap like that?"

"Come on guys, lay off a bit. Sneak attacks are a valuable way to properly take down an opponent, no matter which side you fight for." I frowned, biting my nail a bit from nerves.

"Indeed. It's a viable strategy. He's playing the part, acting like a true villain would." All Might agreed.

"It didn't work! Midoriya dodged it!" Mina cheered.

"Look, there he goes!" Denki drew us back to the screens, showing Izuku grab Katsuki's large gauntlet and flip him over his shoulder.

While you couldn't hear what was being said, I watched with pride as my brother seemed to stand up to Katsuki, who watched him in shock down on the ground.

Maybe Izuku did have a chance.


Uraraka and Iida did great, though I was right the first time.

Izuku did not stand a chance.

As it turns out, neither did Bakugo.

While Izuku ended up passing out after using a Detroit Smash and tearing apart most of the building, he was still able to form a plan beforehand, resulting in Ochaco being able to get the fake bomb and granting them the win.

I watched Bakugo out of the corner of my eye as the class reviewed the previous battle, instantly noting how much he was shaking, his eyes never leaving their spot on the ground.

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