Chapter 90

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"Eri! Sweetheart, what happened? What did you do?" I hobbled over to the little girl, who shook in fear as she collapsed into my arms.

"You said we would have to wait a bit more." She mumbled into my chest. "But you shouldn't have to wait any more. You have your quirk back. You shouldn't have to stay here because of me."

"Eri, what did you do?" I asked again.

"I went to go find another hero. I wanted to see if they could help you." She admitted, and my heart felt like it was being squeezed. "But I couldn't do it. He got to me before I could even say anything."

"But what about you, Eri?"

"I've been here for a while. They won't hurt me as long as I do as they say. But I don't want you to get hurt because of me. It's not worth it."

"That's where you're wrong, sweetheart." I held the girl tighter. "It'll be worth everything to get you out of this hell hole. And I'll do whatever I have to to make sure you get the life you deserve."

The girl was silent for the rest of the day, lying on her side in her bed. Her newest caregiver had come in, trying and failing to speak to her before leaving.

"Hey," I mumbled, moving from my spot on the floor to sit in Eri's bed. "You okay?"

"That boy... he looked a lot like you." She mumbled. "He had a similar face. But green hair, instead of black. He felt so kind. So warm."

"You met my brother, then." I smiled, whipping away a stray tear from the girl's face. "He's training to be a hero, like me. It's good he's the one you met.

"He'll help us. I promise."


I could feel my body slowly getting weaker throughout the couple of days I was "imprisoned" by the Hassaikai. They hadn't given me a scrap of food or water, anything I'd gotten having been smuggled to me by Eri. I had thankfully been able to convince them I still hadn't gotten my quirk back, allowing me to continue seeing Katsuki and give updates to Aizawa.

Apparently, Izuku had gotten a work-study with Nighteye, Uraraka and Tsu with Ryukyu, and Kirishima with Fatgum. All these heroes just so happened to be teaming up on the Hassaikai case, meaning I would more than likely be seeing my classmates here soon enough.

"Alright, Witch. You're up."

"Don't fucking call me that," I growled, carefully lifting myself from the floor. Eri had already been taken for our morning "sessions", so it had just been me in the room. My ankle was still broken, so my normal guard had to come and help me hobble to the med room. I had never asked his name, nor had he bothered to give it.

"Whatever, Sage." He rolled his eyes.

I didn't bother fighting as I was strapped onto the bed, the needle being inserted into my left arm, my right having a large bandage from the multiple times the needle had been harshly ripped out.

"So..." I trailed off, hating the silence that followed these sessions. "How's the kids?"

"For the millionth time, I don't have kids."

"A wife?"


"Husband? I don't judge."


"Partner of some type?"

"No." He snapped, his pupils dilating in anger.

"Well, someone's pissy about his non-existent love life."

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