Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Mom?" I quietly said, a tear managing to escape my eye.

Once I said those words, the woman in front of me started sobbing. I didn't know what to do, so I just started to slowly walk over to her. The moment I put my hand on her shoulder, she brought me into a huge hug. I didn't hug back.

It took me a moment to truly even process what was happening. I mean, my mom just showed up out of nowhere after being gone for how many years?! How am I supposed to react to that?!

" are you here? Where were you? Why are you just now showing up?" I asked as I pulled away from the woman's grasp, more tears threatening to escape.

At first, she didn't say anything. She just looked at Aizawa as if she were asking permission to tell me some huge secret. I was about to read either of their minds to figure out what they were thinking, but once again, Aizawa used his quirk to erase mine.

"(Y/n), you know I don't like it when you use your quirk on me." Aizawa said in a very disapproving tone.

"Well, how am I supposed to get answers if no one is saying anything?" I argued.

"What... what is your quirk?" The woman beside me asked. She may have birthed me, but we are a long way away from me calling her my mother.

"I- I have three."

"Three?!?" She all but screamed. I was a little confused as to why she was so surprised. Did she not have a quirk making it weird that I had three?

"Do you need a tissue?" I heard Aizawa ask the woman.

"No, I got it." She sniffed. She then proceeded to use her quirk to grab the box of tissues that was on the other side of the room.

'She's like me.' I thought as the idea of her being quirkless was quickly whipped away.

"So what are your quirks?" She asks again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um, telekinesis, telepathy, and energy manipulation."

She just stared at me, almost as if she was in shock.

"Are you able to control all of it?" She asked almost out of nowhere.

"F-for the most part, yeah. When I was little, grandma- er- Recovery Girl, had to give me special medication to dull my quirk, but I don't have to take them anymore. I've gotten pretty good at controlling it."

The woman was silent for a moment, almost lost in thought.

"Would you like to come over for dinner? I would like to talk to you. If that's ok with your uncle here that is." She asked, looking at Aizawa.

"I don't care. I'll leave that decision to (Y/n)."

Both of them looked at me waiting for my answer. I had so many questions that needed to be answered, and I doubt that Aizawa or Toshi know all of the answers. This woman was the key to figuring everything out.

"Yeah, I'll have dinner with you."

"Great! I have to get groceries so I'll give you my address and you can come over around 7. How does that sound?" She asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"That sounds fine. Can you give the address to Aizawa? I have to make a call real quick." I said slowly backing away and running to the door.

When I went into the hall, I immediately pulled out my phone and called Todoroki.

"Please pick up, pick up please-"

"Hey, what's happening at the hospital? Are you ok? Who was in the room?" Todo asked, barely taking a breath between each question.

"Shoto, before I answer one of your millions of questions, I need you to breath, ok?" I chuckled slightly at the boy.

"Ok, ok,*sigh* I'm good. So, how are you?"

"I- I don't really know to be honest."

"That's ok. What happened when I left? Who was in the room?"

"It was my mom..." I said, my words just barely audible.

"What?? But.. I thought that Hisashi said that she died. Why would he lie?"

"I don't know, but I'm going over to her house later for dinner. She said she wanted to talk, so I was going to ask then."

"I hope everything goes well. Don't be afraid to send me an SOS text during dinner if things get too much for you. I'll call and make up some excuse for you to leave."

"Thanks, I will." I chuckled. "I'll call you later to tell you how it went. Or we can meet up tomorrow to talk about it."

"Sounds good. I'll talk to you later. Good luck."


I put my back against the wall and slide down so I'm sitting. About a minute later the door to my dad's room opens and Aizawa walks out. He doesn't say anything, just sits beside me on the floor.

"Did you know?" I asked him while staring at the wall in front of us, almost refusing to look at him.

"More or less, yes"

"What does that mean?!" I asked him, my head shooting to the side as my eyebrows furrowed.

He paused a second to think of how to answer.

"Your parents were very happy when they had you. They love you very much. When you were two, you got your first quirk, telekinesis, It was very unstable. You ended up lifting your- another child, into the air when you were at the park. They didn't know what to do. When the doctor told them that the one quirk would only get stronger, but that it also wasn't the only part of your quirk, they panicked. They made a quick but hard decision. You would go to the outskirts of town with your dad, who had the most resources to help you control your quirks, and your mom would stay in the city, and... take care of things there."

"What are you not telling me?" I asked. He was obviously hiding something, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"It's something that Inko should tell you. Not me." He said, finally looking at me.

"Is that her name? Inko?" I asked, relieved that I finally have something to call her. Aizawa just nodded his head yes. He then started to fish something out of his pocket.

"Here," He said, handing me a small piece of paper. "It's her address. It's not that far from here if you want to walk to help clear your head. I know that helps you think. I believe Todoroki lives somewhere around here as well, so you could go there too." Aizawa started rambling.

"Thanks, I already called Shoto and I might see him tomorrow to talk to him, so I'll probably walk around a bit before going over to Inko's." I said looking at the address.

Inko then walked out of the room and said her goodbyes to both of us. I left shortly after. Aizawa wanted to stay with my dad for a little while longer, and I was planning on coming back tomorrow, so I said goodbye to him and started my walk to my estranged mother's house. 

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