Chapter 75

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"Katsuki!" I yelled, running up to the boy as he and our class stood around, waiting to load onto the bus.

I heard the blond curse under his breath as he turned away from Kirishima and Denki, the two sharing a look before walking over to some of the others.

"Hey! You–"

"Fucking failed, I know." He growled, stuffing his hands into his pants pockets and turning his head away from me.

"I was actually gonna say you did good."

"Tch, yeah, right." He growled, and my shoulders dropped a little.

"What, did you really think I would come over just to rub your failure in your face?" I asked, and the boy's eyes quickly shot to mine, probably seeing the little bit of hurt I was trying to push down.

"...No..." He mumbled, brushing a hand through his hair. "The hearing aids are great. You're dumb ass did a good job."

"Thanks!" I perked up a bit. "I was a little worried about it, so it's great to know they do what they're supposed to."

"I'm just surprised your dumb ass managed to get a good pair."

"You're an ass."

"Hey! Hey!"

"It's that Shiketsu guy," Tsu said as Inasa ran toward our class.

"Todoroki! I'll see you at the special course, but here's the thing. Honestly, nothing's changed. I still don't like you. Sorry!"

I couldn't help the laugh that erupted out of me, Inasa's head whipping over to where I stood with Katsuki.

"Y/n! It was a pleasure seeing you once again! Perhaps we can get together at some point and catch up!"

"Yeah, su-"

"Back off, extra." Katsuki dragged me behind him, making me roll my eyes.

"I'll text you, Inasa."

"Sounds good!" The boy smiled, rushing off to his class while waving behind him. "That's all for now!"

"That was nice of him, I guess," Kirishima mumbled.

"We'll just make the best of it," Shoto said.

"Interesting. He is someone who is both bold and sensitive. I admire such joie de vivre." Aoyama thought aloud as Izuku ran to talk to one of the Shiketsu students.

"Okay, everyone! Let's start loading up onto the bus! Make sure to put your cases in the storage compartment down below." Iida announced.

"Let's hurry it up!" I nodded, clapping my hands together. "You've all worked so hard today. You deserve some much-needed rest."

Everyone was quick to follow Iida and I's orders, all of us getting on the bus.

"Hey..." I grabbed Bakugo's arm before he got on. "Um, I think I'm gonna sit with Shoto, on the ride back, if that's okay."

"Tch, why the hell would I care if you sit with someone else?" His eyebrows pinched together as his mouth turned into a deep frown, yanking my arm off before stomping into the bus.

I sighed in frustration as I turned around, my eyes quickly finding Shoto placing his case under the bus.

"Hey." I smiled, walking up to him. "Can I sit with you on the way back?"

My heart squeezed in my chest at the surprised look on the boy's face, his eyes widening before seeming to look around for someone.

"What about Bakugo? Didn't you wanna sit with him?"

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