Chapter 21

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"Well, I guess I can't really scold you for these injuries, since they weren't really your faults." Recovery Girl softly said as Toshinori and I lay in two of her beds.

Both of us had our chests, backs, and shoulders wrapped up, and there was a bottle of eye drops beside my bed if I needed it. While the curtain between us was pulled so no one could see my semi-exposed chest, I was able to see how Toshi's feet hung off the bed, the sight repeatedly making me smile in my tiered state.

"I can't be sure yet. But I think I shortened my time limit again with that fight. I hope I can at least still hold the form for an hour." All Might said beside me.

"I'm sorry, Toshi." I frowned.

"Well, no use worrying. These things happen." He sat up, making it so I only saw his back.

"Excuse me," A new voice said as the door scraped open. "Hi, All Might. Been a while."

"What the hell- I didn't know that you were investigating." All Might said, all the while spitting out blood.

"Hello, Miss Midoryia. I've heard a lot about you from some of the staff here. I've gotta tell you, my kids are big fans of yours."

"Oh, thanks. I can give an autograph if you want." I weakly chuckled as I sat up, though doing so caused pain in my chest.

"That would be great, whenever you're up for it. Let me properly introduce myself, though. My name is Naomassa Tsukauchi."

"He's my best friend on the police force." Toshinori chimed in. "He's legit. We can trust him."

"Thanks, All Might. Sorry to cut to the chase, but we could really use any information you might have."

"Hold on. Before all that." Toshi stopped him. "Tell me all the students are okay. And Aizawa- er, Eraser Head, and Thirteen."

"Not counting Midoriya here, the only student injuries were scrapes. And both of the teachers are in stable condition right now. Relax."

"Oh, thank god." I squeezed my eyes shut, falling back onto the bed.

"That's good to hear."

"If you heroes hadn't risked your lives, the students would never have made it. You four saved that entire class of kids today."

"You're not seein' the whole picture, Sir. Those students also risked their lives. They fought as hard as all of us."

"She's right, you know. I don't think there's ever been a group of first-years who experienced a real fight like this so early in their training. They not only survived, they learned what it means to be a pro. Those villains made a mistake attacking them. This class is strong. They're filled with courage and drive. Mark my words. They'll become great heroes. Well, even greater in young Y/n's case."

"Thanks, All Might."


"Bakugo! Hey, what are you still doing here?" I opened Class 1-A's door, revealing the hot head sitting on top of his desk, looking out the window.

"You just missed everyone else. They all wanted to wait up to see how you were doing." He grumbled, moving off the table and grabbing both of our things.

"Okay. I'm not saying I'm not grateful or anything, but why are you still here?" I asked again, moving to grab my bag from him, only for the boy to shrug me away. "And can I have my bag, please?"

"Go put your suit away. I'm walking you home."

"Thanks, but I'm all healed up. I don't need you to protect me or anything. Besides, I was, kinda planning on asking Todoroki if I could spend the night at his place..." I said, putting my costume in the retractable storage beside the teacher's desk.

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