Chapter 57

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My eyes widened as my vision came back to me, my body falling right into Shoji's awaiting arms.

My breathing quickly picked up as I looked around, my eyes finding Bakugo's as a villain with purple burns grabbed him by the neck, pulling him into the same purple warp that was used by a villain during the USJ attack.

"No," I mumbled, quickly thrashing in Shoji's arms, the boy trying and falling to keep me in his grasp.

"Checkmate. Heh."

"Kacchen, no!" I heard my brother yell.

"Katsuki!" I fell out of Shoji's grip, teleporting right in front of the warp.

"Stay back, Y/n."

He was gone before I could reach him, my hands reaching out toward nothing as my brother's body fell beside me, kicking up dirt.

"No." My body shook as tears filled my eyes.

"No!" I screamed louder. "No, no, no, no!"

I collapsed beside my brother, my emotions becoming so strong thunder sounded above, quickly followed by heavy rain.

"Y/n..." Shoto placed his hand on my shoulder, causing me to fully break down.

"They took him," I mumbled, my breathing quickening, the same as the storm, soaking everyone. "I was too slow, and they took him."

"This is Bakugo we're talking about. No matter what, he'll be okay." Shoto took me in his arms, pulling me in close, neither of us caring about our wet clothes.

"You don't know that. We don't know what they're gonna do with him." I shook my head.

"Bakugo's tough. They won't be able to do anything."


I looked behind me to see Aizawa leading some students out of the forest, one student on his back while another was thrown over his shoulder. Aizawa gently sat the two kids down on the ground before rushing over to me, replacing Shoto's grip on me in exchange for his own.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"They took him." I gasped into the man's scarf, my hands harshly gripping his shirt. "They took Katsuki, Shota."

Aizawa didn't say anything, just held me tightly, talking to the students and heroes around us.

Vlad King apparently was able to call emergency services during the battle, as they showed up not much later with ambulances, firefighters, and police, two planes that dropped water putting out any flames that were still burning, even with the rain that continued to poor.

Of the 41 students, fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition due to the gas. Eleven others were injured, with Izuku being in critical condition from his arm injuries. Fourteen were unharmed, physically. And... one of us was missing.

Pixie-Bob was in serious condition because of a blow to the head. Ragdoll was missing, and it was apparent that she'd lost a lot of blood. Meanwhile, on the villains' side, three were caught and arrested. The other attackers managed to disappear without a trace thanks to the warp villain.

"Come on, Y/n. It's time to go." Aizawa placed a hand on my shoulder. I had calmed down enough that the storm I caused went away, but I had stayed in place, on my knees in the mud.

"Y/n?" I heard Shoto hesitantly ask, stepping in front of me. "Come on. We're all getting ready to go home."

I didn't say anything as the boy carefully brought me to my feet, leading me to the school bus. Mina had apparently gotten my things together for me already, allowing me to just sit with my thoughts.

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