Chapter 46

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"Team Midoriya and Bakugo. Practical exam. Ready, go!"

Bakugo and Izuku didn't seem to say anything to one another as the former started stalking forward. Izuku continued to walk a few feet behind as they walked toward where All Might stood, in the center of the fake city.

After a moment, Izuku rushed forward, saying something to Bakugo, who just tried to walk ahead.

"Y/n, did you speak with Bakugo at all before their battle?" Iida asked me.

"No. I've been in here with Izuku the whole time, watching everyone else."

"That's too bad, maybe you could have helped persuade him to actually work with your brother." Yaoyarozu sighed.

"No, even if I did say something, it wouldn't have worked. Not really, at least." I shook my head. "Bakugo needs to learn how to do it himself. I can't just talk his ear off till he-"

My eyes widened in shock as Bakugo punched Izuku, knocking my brother to the ground as he held his nose in pain.

"Oh, dear. There's absolutely no teamwork between those two. Don't they realize the trial ahead of them?"

"Izuku does," I mumbled. "But Bakugo doesn't. I guarantee he's thinking that he'll easily be able to beat All Might."

"But that's crazy! No one, not even top pro heroes could beat All Might!" Uraraka shouted.

"But Bakugo's ego is too big to fully comprehend that. Ribbit. He must just see another person he has to defeat." Tsu placed a thoughtful finger on her chin.

"You're right." I nodded. "It wasn't going to help if I tried getting him to do something he's too stubborn to even attempt. He needs to figure everything out on his own."

Right as I said that, a large blast caused by All Might flew through the city, causing mass destruction in its wake.

"I just hope it doesn't cost him the exam."

Izuku started to run, but Bakugo blasted a stun grenade at the hero. When the boy got too close, however, All Might grabbed him right in the face, holding him up in the air by it. Instead of panicking, Bakugo quickly fired blast after blast at the hero's face. All Might grabbed Bakugo's arm, using it as leverage as he harshly pounded Katsuki into the ground, making me cringe.

All Might then ran behind Izuku, who flew upward just as Bakugo took to the sky, the two colliding practically head-on, causing them to fall back to the ground. When they got back up, they only seemed to begin arguing amongst themselves, leaving them vulnerable to All Might's incoming attacks.

The hero flew down, a scrap piece of metal bars below his feet, which he used to pin Izuku to the ground, punching Katsuki in the gut a second later and sending the boy flying away, even puking from the harsh impact.

"Hey," I gasped as Uraraka placed her hand on my shoulder, gaining my attention. "No matter what happens, they'll be okay in the end. Both of them."

"I know." I nodded my head. "I know, it's just..."

"It's hard, seeing those you... admire... get beaten so harshly." She finished.

I sucked in a breath at her unspoken word, paying close attention to the knowing look in her eyes, ones that also held a sense of understanding.


Both boys shakily got up as All Might walked to stand beside Bakugo, looking like he was monologing a bit. Just as All Might prepared to throw another punch, Izuku broke out of his confines, rushing over to the two...

And punching Bakugo square in the face.

I could not stop the almost wheezing laughter that began to escape me, each of my fellow students looking at me like I was losing my mind. In all honestly, I probably was. There was just something so satisfying about watching Izuku punch Bakugo Katsuki in the face. Especially when they're supposed to be on the same team.

Izuku then grabbed hold of Bakugo, carrying him into a nearby ally and preceding to run off. Bakugo eventually elbowed Izuku in the back of the head, causing the boy to drop him, the two falling to the ground and leaning on opposite walls.

The two seemed to talk for a bit, Izuku obviously getting Bakugo worked up as the latter blasted the wall right beside the former's head.

My excitement level started to grow upon seeing the two now having one of the calmest conversations I have ever seen, which is saying a lot seeing as Bakugo was still yelling every once and a while. Izuku nodded at whatever Katsuki said, the two then going in separate directions as All Might continued to run around, searching for the two.

I watched as All Might passed another alleyway, Katsuki jumping out of it right as he passed, firing blast after blast at the hero.

With only one gauntlet.

After a moment, Izuku jumped out of another alleyway, using Katuski's gauntlet to blast All Might, the two of them quickly trying to make their escape.

"Did I just see that correctly? They actually worked together!" Momo said, obviously stunned.

"I honestly wasn't sure they would actually be able to do it. Ribbit." Tsu admitted, causing me to slowly nod in agreement.

"But they did it. They came to an agreement." I smiled.

The two boys continued to flee, the escape gate in their sights when All Might finally caught up. Bakugo tried to aim a blast at the hero, but ended up getting his gauntlet smashed into tiny pieces, doing the same to the one Izuku wore. All Might then kneed Bakugo in the chin, sending him flying into the top of a nearby building, obviously breaking through it with how much dust and debris flew down. Izuku tried to run and help, but All Might grabbed his arm, flinging his body back and using him to hit an oncoming Bakugo.

When the dust settled, All Might was revealed, still holding onto Izuku's arm while his right foot held Katsuki down. The hero seemed to monologue a bit as he threw Izuku away. As he spoke, Bakugo got noticeably more ticked off, his hand moving to face palm-up, shooting a large explosion at All Might, blowing him away.

We could just barely see Katsuki pick up Izuku by his collar, using another blast to fling Izuku through the air. All Might was quick to fight back, though, as the hero flung himself through the air, his whole body hitting Izukus and making him limply fall to the ground, hitting a bus in the process.

Bakugo flew after them, aiming a huge blast at All Might once again. Katsuki kept shooting major attack after major attack at the hero, giving Izuku the chance of escaping. All Might tried getting to Izuku, but Katsuki got in his way, trying to fire another blast at the hero. All Might was able to grab him by the face once more, though, plumbing the boy into the dirt.

Katsuki, albeit very weakly, kept shooting tiny blasts at the arm holding him down, even going so far as to bite All Might's hand. With seemingly a newfound strength, Izuku used his power to charge at All Might, punching him harshly in the face and getting him off Katsuki.

Grabbing the unconscious boy, Izuku ran as fast as he could, getting the two of them through the escape gate.

"Team Midoriya and Bakugo have passed the exam." 

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