Chapter 69

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"Motherfucker!" I shouted, seeing the hoard of police cars race down the street, stopping less than a block away.

"Can't we just get one goddamn break?" Katsuki grumbled, the two of us heading right to whatever was happening.

"Sage! Thank god you're in the area!" A cop breathed a sigh of relief as we rushed up.

"What's going on over here?"

"There's a villain, trapping everyone in this building. I guess he can controle steel, cause a whole bunch of it is blocking all the exits." The man said, ushering me toward the front of the crowd. "Ma'am! The pro hero Sage is here!"

"Great!" An older woman cheered, rushing up to us. "We don't know much about the situation inside. Just that some manic guy came barreling in, demanding a job since the company ruined his life. We've been trying to get in with no luck."

"Okay." I nodded with a sigh. "Bakugo, listen up. I'm gonna allow you to help me on this, but you can not use your quirk to help deal with the villain."


"Katsuki, we don't know what we're walking into, and I refuse to have you get hurt because you did something stupid."

"I'm not gonna–"

"I don't wanna hear it." I cut him off. "You're gonna help me get through the steel and get the civilians out, and that is it."

I knew his grumbling was all the confirmation I needed, and the two of us quickly made our way to the back of the building. Bakugo used his newest special move, the AP Shot, to blast a large hole in where the back door was, the two of us then quickly rushing inside.

"Start at the top floor and make your way down using the stairwell. Once you get back down here, get people out in small groups. We don't want there being a stampede of people gaining the villain's attention."

"What about the people on the first floor?"

"I'll get them to you. Don't worry."

"Tch, I wasn't worried."

"I'm sure you weren't," I smirked, the two of us quickly going our separate ways.

"No, no, just shut up!" A man screamed, instantly setting me on edge a bit. "Stop saying that! Stop saying that!"

"But... Sir, he is refusing to see you, there is nothing I can–"

"Bullshit! You get that son of a bitch down here! He can't just ruin my life and not do anything to help me!"

Peaking my head around the corner, I saw a man in a rumbled navy blue suit run a hand threw his dark red hair, his crazed eyes glaring at the poor receptionist.

"Excuse me, Sir?" I hesitantly stepped out of my hiding spot, hands in the air so he could see me."

"Who the hell are you?! How'd you get in?!"

"My name's Sage. Part of my quirk is teleportation, which I used to get in here." I partially lied. "May I ask who you are?"


"It's nice to meet you, Itsuki." I nodded, taking a small step forward. "What are you doing here, Itsuki?"

"These bastards ruined my life. I'm just here to get what they owe me." He seethed, his attention briefly turning back to the woman behind the reception desk.

"How did they ruin your life?" I brought his attention back to me.

"These bastards got me to sell them the company I used to work for's information. Used it against them. The company found out, however, and fired me! So these fuckers owe me a job!"

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