Chapter 66

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A/n ~ What the hell guys. Twins just hit 12k. Why do you read this so much? I just don't understand. Love you all, though! <3

"Regarding your costume improvements. Once you've figured out if anything needs to change, head to the development studio here. Get the experts to help you out and give suggestions. They'll know what to do."

Izuku was quick to rush off, Ochaco and Iida following right after.

"I'm gonna go check on how everyones doing. See if any of them want to do a little one-on-one or something." I shrugged, having been very bored just standing off to the side while my classmates worked hard.

"Okay, but before you do, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Aizawa stopped me. "The press know your face. I know you don't pay too much attention to the news, but everyone's been wondering about the kid pro hero that's at UA."

"I don't like where this is going..."

"Some of the people at the agency have been thinking it'll be a good idea to have you do a press interview. And I happen to agree. I'll be right beside you the whole time, of course, seeing as not only are you my student, but you're also my sidekick."

"No matter what I say you're gonna make me do it anyway, right?"

"Yep. The press conference will be sometime next week. I'll give you more details later. Make sure you wear your pro hero costume, but also make sure the scarf isn't covering your face. Now, go see if the others need anything."

"Yes, sir," I grumbled, turning and walking off.

"Hey, Katsuki. How many have you killed now?" I asked as I floated myself up to the hot-head pillar.

"Twelve, now." He huffed, wiping sweat off his face. "What do you want, Witch?"

"Do you have any ideas for a special move?"

"Tch, plenty." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, what about one that doesn't kill your ears?"

Bakugo stayed silent at that, though did send me a nasty glare.

"I know you probably don't wanna hear it, but I'm gonna say it anyway. I think that if you can't come up with something that won't damage your hearing upon every use, you should..." I trailed off for a second. "You may need to look into some sort of hearing device."

"What the hell are you talking about, I don't need any damn hearing aids!" He hissed.

"I'm not necessarily saying hearing aids. Those are more for when you can't hear in general. I'm talking more about something that can cancel out the noise of your explosions, but helps you still hear anything else."

I sighed as Bakugo turned away from me, his shoulders deflating a bit. "Look. I obviously don't fully understand what's going on with you. And I know you probably don't want it, but I do want to help. In any way I can."

"Tch, I don't need any hearing shit. I'll be fine!"

"How you be the number one hero if you can't hear anymore?" I asked. "Katsuki, even if you do lose your hearing, you can only continue to climb if you can still hear those screaming on the ground."

"Where the fuck did that shit come from?"

"I don't know, the author's a bit moody right now, I guess." I shrugged. "Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, if want to keep rising to be the number one hero I know you can be, you have to be able to fucking hear! And that won't happen if you don't fucking take care of yourself!"

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