Chapter 88

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Y/n's POV~

I deeply inhaled as I came too, my eyes instantly locking with a masked man, who gave me a quick once-over before leaving the room. My heart rate picked up as I looked around the room, seeing all sorts of medical equipment spread about. Looking down, I noticed how I was strapped tight to a standing cot, straps digging into my wrists, stomach, and ankles, the left of which was still throbbing.

My idea of teleporting or astral projecting was quickly dashed as the door in front of me opened once again, revealing a man in a beaked half-mask, a green jacket with a purple feathered neck covering his black shirt, his white tie standing out amongst all the darker colors. The man's yellow eyes bore into my green, his whole aura screaming an eerie calm.

"So. You're the one who snuck in. It's Sage, right? Or is Y/n Midoriya?"

"Hope you weren't planning on using my known identity to your advantage, Kai Chisaki." I spat.

"I don't find much amusement in mind games like that. No, I simply want to know what to call you. There are quite a few names to choose from, after all. Sage, Midoriya, Y/n–"

"Call me Y/n, see what happens." I threatened.

"Hmm. Hostile one, aren't you? I guess it can't be helped, with your upbringing in mind." He sighed, making me gawk at him. "I guess I will keep it to Sage. That makes this sound all the much better, anyway. Having gotten my hands on a top hero."

"Ha, I wouldn't say that for long," I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I quite agree." He nodded, making me furrow my brows in confusion. "Try using your quirk, for me, will you?"

My brows lowered even farther as Chisaki raised his own pointed brow. With a huff, I looked down at my right hand, summoning a ball of energy.

Nothing happened.

I tried again; nothing.

I tried to make an illusion of a tattoo appear, but nothing showed up.

"What– What did you do? What did you do to me?" I panicked.

"We're testing out a new drug that's about to hit the underground black market. Deep, underground. Guess you can be our first test subject."

"What did you do?" I asked again, thrashing against my restraints.

"It's a quirk-erasing drug. First and only one soon to be out to the people."

It felt like my heart stopped beating in my chest.

My quirk, the thing that's caused me so much pain for so many years, was gone.

The powers I had slowly learned to control and love, the very thing that got me to where I am today, with all my friends and family, was gone.

"No..." I mumbled, tears blurring my vision.

"It's one of our later batches, so we're hoping that we've finally got a permanent batch. If not, then we'll be using you for more than I have planned." Chisaki shrugged, turning back toward the door.

"What– what do you have planned?" I pried, cursing myself for stuttering in front of this asshole.

"We'll we've made it so you can take away quirks. And we made it so we can enhance one's quirk. I wonder, could you also give someone a new quirk? And here you are. A hero with multiple powers.

All at our disposal."

Chisaki left soon after our little talk, if you could even call it that. Two of his henchmen came in not much later, and my breath hitched as they wordlessly started up a large machine, one of them taking a thin tube and attaching a new, clean needle to the end of it while the other attached a new bag to the top.

"What are you doing?" I asked as my breathing picked up.

Neither man answered as the one with the needle walked up to me, harshly grabbing my arm and placing the needle semi-carefully into a vein. I cried out the machine turned on, red liquid being pulling from my body and into the tube, draining into the empty bag. The other man harshly punched my face when I tried to struggle against my restraints, making my eyes blur as blood dripped from my nose.

"You'll need to clean that up. Boss hates the place dirty." The first guy grumbled, keeping his eyes on the quickly filling bag.

"Yeah, whatever." The second grumbled, grabbing a towel and cleaning blood from my nose and his hand.

It didn't seem to take long for my breathing to become shallow, my body feeling weak and tired as my heartbeat picked up. Upon seeing my weakened state, the men stopped the machine, taking out the needle from my arm before undoing my restraints, allowing me to faceplant into the floor. Both men grabbed the underside of my shoulder, dragging me down the long, white hallways and throwing me into a room.

I heard a small gasp as I groaned in pain, looking at my hands to see if my quirk had come back.

It hadn't.

"Oh, no. Are you okay?" My eyes moved up, watching a small girl with red eyes, and silver hair, wearing a ratty old hospital gown with bandages up and down her arms, and legs rush toward me, getting on her hands and knees beside me.

"Eri," I mumbled, causing the girl's eyes to widen.

"How do you know my name?" She asked.

"I'm so sorry." My voice broke. "I just wanted to try and find you. Then we would have been able to save you faster."

Eri didn't say anything for a moment, just laid down beside me, placing her hands under her head. "Are you a hero? Why would you wanna save me?"

I let out a sad chuckle. "Yeah, I'm a hero. Or, I'm supposed to be, anyway. And I wanna save you because what they're doing to you here is wrong. What they're doing to people outside of this building is wrong. You're a little girl. You shouldn't have to be dealing with this kinda trauma."

Eri didn't say anything for a moment, but I noticed how her eyes zeroed in on a few extremely faint scars I had on my arms.

"Have bad things happened to you? How old are you? What's your name?"

"My hero name is Sage, but my real name is Y/n. I'm 15. And yeah, some bad things have happened to me." I nodded. "But unlike you, I've signed up for bad things to happen to me. Cause that's part of being a hero. You never asked for any of this."

A sad look entered Eri's eyes as she looked at my scars before looking down at her own bandaged arms.

"Eri?" I groaned, slowly sitting up, the young girl following suit. "Do you know how often they take you out of this room?"

"I don't know times." She shook her head. "But they take me out twice a day."

"So, probably in the morning and at night," I mumbled to myself. "Okay. Sweetheart, I'm gonna have you work with me a bit here, okay? That way I can still help you, even in this scary place."

Eri seemed to perk up a little bit at this, curiosity seeping into her bones.


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