Chapter 14

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The last few weeks have been a bit busy, but still good.

I hung out with each of the boys over the weeks. Bakugo and I helped each other with our hero costumes, Shoto and I went to visit Dad again, and Izuku and I did some catching up on what the other has been up to these last 13 years.

I also semi-fully moved in with Aizawa since my dad still hasn't woken up. It's not bad there, especially since it's not my first time staying.

After all of this, though, came the first day of school.

None of the boys lived close and Aizawa left early after making me breakfast for the first day of school since he needed to be there early, so I ended up walking alone. It was actually kinda nice since then I could let my thoughts on the first day run wild and not have to worry about keeping conversation with whoever I was walking with.

My thoughts did keep coming up with one thought, though.

How many kids are going to be expelled because of Aizawa this year? I mean, he's expelled whole classes before! I know he wouldn't expel me and Todo, and Bakugo is too good to expel as long as he controls that temper of his. I would hope he wouldn't expel Izuku, but he might if Izu can't control One for All soon. Then there's the rest of the class. Who knows what they're going to do?

Without even realizing it, I was at the entrance to U.A. Even though I'd roamed these halls hundreds of times and knew every inch of the school, I was still nervous.

I made the familiar walk to class 1-A, and the first thing I see is none other than the angry hedgehog himself, Bakugo. He just seemed to be staring off into space looking out the window, so I decided to see how many things I could snatch off of his desk without him noticing.

I stayed near the door so that he would have a lesser chance of seeing me and slowly used my telekinesis to move his things a desk away from him. First I moved his pencil, then his notebook, then his phone, and then I got bored and just took his whole backpack. By that point, he noticed.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing Witch," Bakugo said in a monotone voice while continuing to look out the window.

"Oh come on! You're no fun!" I walked over to take the desk behind him. Right as I was about to sit down, Shoto came through the door.

"Shoto!" I yelled walking over. "Hey! Are you excited for the first day?"

"Not really. Today will probably be boring." He said walking over to a seat towards the back.

"How about I add a little spice at some point to your otherwise bland day? Would that be better?" I teased.

"Sure, if you can do something interesting, I'll even smile for you." He rolled his eyes.

"Really?!" I all but screamed. "Now I'm definitely going to have to figure something out!"

"Would you stop screaming? Your going to make me go def before class even starts!" Bakugo grumbled, rubbing his ear.

"Sorry, Bakugo." Cringed a bit.

"Tch, whatever." He went back to staring off into space.

"Hi there!" A voice yelled, from the door. I looked over to see an overly excited pink girl with antennas sticking out of her head. "I'm Mina Ashido, and please, just call me Mina! Are you guys excited to be here or what?!" She cheered, skipping over.

"I'm super excited! I'm (Y/n) Midoriya, and you can call me (Y/n). Behind me is Katsuki Bakugo, and over there is Shoto Todoroki." I smiled at her, pointing to the two boys.

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