Chapter 20

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"See? Wasn't that fun you guys?" I panted as the three of us defeated our last bad guy.

"I don't like your definition of fun."

"Think that's the last of these guys. 'Buncha weaklings." Bakugo huffed.

"Let's hurry and find the rest of our class. If we're still in the USJ, then everyone else probably is, too. And not all of them have the offensive skills we do." Kirishima started. "We gotta make sure they're safe. Especially since Bakugo and I screwed things up when we got in the way earlier. If Thirteen had been able to suck up that villain, then we never would've been separated like that. We have to make it up to the other!"

"You wanna track everyone down, have fun. But I'm gonna go destroy that warpy bastard."

"Huh? Our physical attacks didn't hurt that guy. C'mon. Don't be an idiot, man."

"Shut up! I'm gonna take him down because he's their way in and out. If I cut off their escape route, they'll be stuck here and have to pay for what they've done. We'll just have to figure it out."

"You have fun with that, Bakugo but..." I threw my arm out, throwing an energy blast at the chameleon dude from earlier who just tried to sneak up on Bakugo. "I've got to go help Aizawa. He's gotta be slowing down at this point if it's still just him against all those villains."

"Anyway, if all these villains are small fries these guys were, then our classmates can handle 'em." Bakugo finished for me.

"That reaction time was insane! Also... Since when do you act so calm and rational, Bakugo? Usually, you're all like..." Kiri trailed off.

"I'm always calm and rational, you red-haired loser!"

"Yeah! There you are."

Bakugo scoffed, moving towards the nearest apparent exit. "Go find the others if you want to."

"Wait, hold up! I think what you're really saying is that you believe in our classmates. And that's thinkin' like a man, Bakugo." Kirishima smiled, punching his hardened fists together.

"You're just now getting that?" I raised a questioning brow. "You know what, doesn't matter. We've got to head out. Now."

Together, the three of us ran from the building, a large woodsy area separating us from the main fight. When we got to the center of the building, we saw how Todoroki had frozen a giant villain creature that held All Might, allowing the pro hero to escape his clutches.

"I'm coming!"

The sound of my brother's shouting caused my feet to lift off the ground, my powers coming out and pushing me through the air.

"Izuku, no!" I yelled, grabbing my brother and practically tackling him to the ground. At the same time, Bakugo came up behind me and blasted the warp villain that was about to take Izuku.

"Get the hell outta my way, Deku!"

I sighed from my spot on top of Izuku as Katsuki pinned the purple villain to the ground, Todoroki using his ice to freeze both halves of whatever creature had All Might captured, allowing the hero to escape.

"One of you're poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might." My friend stated as All Might flipped his body out of the creature's hands to land beside Shoto.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked as the two of us got to our feet.

Kirishima came in then, trying and failing to land a hit on the villain with multiple hands. "Damn! That was gonna be cool!"

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