Chapter 72

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"It's weird. I always forget we're famous to other schools."

"Oh, yeah. We're basically celebrities when it comes to hero course students. No pictures, please!"

"Wait, hold on. Did you not warn your kids, Eraser?" Joke asked, having heard Denki gloating.

Aizawa didn't say anything, and neither did I, both continuing to walk inside the arena.

"How do you think they'll do?" I asked as we found some seats.

"Good enough to pass. I think."

"Such a vote of confidence." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, what do you think?"

I sighed as I thought about it, playing with the edges of my capture scarf.

"I think most of them will be able to make it, but..."


"Part of me is worried about a couple of them."

"Which ones?"

"I don't wanna say. Don't wanna jinx it."

"Well, that's just stupid."

"You're stupid."

"I love your guys' banter!" Joke cackled from a couple of seats away from us.

It didn't take much longer for the container holding all the students to unveil, revealing the multi-terrain arena to them.

"Eraser, your fly is down!" Joke giggled, making me roll my eyes with a tiny smirk.

"Why is it that I can't find a moment of peace and quiet in my life?"

"I can't believe you still have 20 students, not including Sage! It's unusual for you not to have expelled someone. You must actually like your class this time."

"Not really. The only tolerable one is Sage, though she's just barely that."

"Hey." I pouted.

"Ha! Don't be embarrassed. That's so like you! Please date me."

"Shut up."

Joke laughed for a quick second before leaning over the seat beside her.

"But really. You know what's about to happen down there. And yet, you didn't mention a thing to your class. And I bet you didn't either, Sage. Every year, the test is different. But one thing's always the same. It's kind of like a tradition during the licensing exam.

"Most of the students who compete in the provisional exam have pretty equal footing. Except for one school. UA comes in at a severe disadvantage. Because the top school's sports festival is broadcast across the country, showing off not just your student's quirks, but their weaknesses and fighting styles, too. Kinda funny, isn't it?"

The horn blared throughout the stadium as the students scattered. "The first test will now begin."

"If you like your class this year, and if you like your classmates, then you should have warned them about all this. We've seen it time and time again in this exam.

"UA is immediately crushed."

"So you think we'll be taken out?" Aizawa asked as we watched Izuku kick a single ball, making dozens more fly back. "I don't really see a reason why we should've warned them. I doubt anything would've changed if we had. They're still going to have to overcome this, either way."

The rest of our classmates were quick to use their quirks to get rid of the attacking balls, some of them even using their special moves to do so.

"Real heroes could turn this situation around. Besides, if they become pros, they'll face villains who already know their quirks. Perhaps at UA, we look a little further ahead than other schools."

The arena shook as explosions sounded all over the stadium, some noticeably large dust clouds following in its wake.

"Hey, Eraser. I'm guessing a lot of our kids will think it's important to finish fast. Like the first ones to pass will be raked as the top. So they'll want to attack. Immediately." Joke calmly said.

"Yes. But teamwork is the key. The wise ones will cooperate and gather information together. But if they're seduced by the urge to win and rush to get points, they'll end up exposing themselves. And then it's all over."

I frowned as I felt Aizawa's knowing eyes turn to me, both of us thinking of the same student.

I kept my eyes glued to the arena floor, watching Jiro and Mina both use their ultimate moves.

"So, they've been working on ultimate moves already."

"Yes, of course they have." Aizawa scoffed.

"Mm. Looks like all the students are still in a stalemate. Not a single one's passed yet. Oh. And don't worry, students, I'll keep you updated with an announcement every time a few students move on to the next round." The announcer's tiered voice came through the speakers.

"At UA, you look further ahead than other schools." That's a pretty condescending thing to say, Eraser. Do you have any idea how many kids in this world want to be heroes? Strength of will is far more important than going to a famous school or having renown. When you think you're the stars and look down on others, you reveal your weaknesses. That's how you fail."

My brows raised in surprise as the arena floor shook, the ground rising below my classmates' feet and high into the air.

"Come on. There should be at least one or two who've passed by now." The announcer yawned. "Stop biding your time and get this over with."

A harsh wind was quick to pick up over in the city portion of the arena, and I could tell Inasa was the cause of it.

"Huh? It's about time somebody perked up and passed." The announcer suddenly screamed into the mic, making me cringe. "What?! There were 120 people taken down? A single person managed to do that in just one attack? That actually surprised me so much that I'm awake! I assume we'll see a lot of people passing from now on. Everyone, let's get this out of the way so I can take a break. Good? Good."

"You and the announcer guy seem like you would get along well," I smirked, glancing at Aizawa.

"Haha. Very funny." He rolled his eyes.

"Who said I was joking?"


"Want some gum?"

"It's really a finger trap, isn't it?" Aizawa asked as I leaned over him, seeing the All Might wrapper gum. "I hate this. It's frustrating that we can't tell who passes and fails in real-time."

"And our Shindo only made it worse by splitting the ground open." Joke mumbled, mouth full of gum. "Now it's hard to see anything. Wait. Eraser! Are you actually worried?"

"There's something I've realized after watching my students. In school and in the field. They might not have realized it themselves, but in Class 1-A, there are three people whose spirits have a big impact. Two of them aren't leaders, or the most popular. And those two of them don't get along at all. Sometimes they seem like polar opposites. However, before I knew it, all three of their passion had spread to the rest of their peers.

"It's strange. But every time there's some kind of major event, one of them is at the center of it. I'm not worried, Joke. It's the opposite, actually. I can't wait to see what they'll do. Even if all three aren't physically with the others, their presence raises the standard for the entire class."

"You've fallen for them hard. It's kinda gross."

"I'm honored to have them as students. My Class 1-A."

I smiled up at my godfather, nudging his arm a bit and making him look down at me.

"We're honored to have you as our teacher, Mr. Aizawa. We couldn't have gotten this far without you." 

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