Chapter 54

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A/n ~ Fortunately for @YOURMOM123isgay I am nice and will post another chapter early for you 🥰 Unfortunately for @loogie_beiber it does not contain a bunch of Bakufluff 💔

"So, you girls got stuck in a tiny little bunk room, didn't ya?" I heard Sero asked at the other table.

"Why? Is the guys' room really big?" Jiro asked from beside him.

"Oh, yeah? So, like, can I come check it out later or what?" Mina turned from her spot across from Bakugo, joining in the conversation.

"Sure! Whenever you want." Tape arms agreed.

"Huh! I smell beef." Kaminari gasped, and he and the Canadian Flag quickly stopped their inhaling of rice.

"Hey, wait, you got meat over there?" Red yelled, looking at Pixie-Bob.

"Yeah. Jeez, it's like you guys haven't eaten in a week or something." The woman scoffed. "Anyway, today's the only time we'll be doing this for you. So make sure you kids enjoy it."

"Thank you!" The boys screamed.

"Bakugo, if you don't slow down, you're gonna choke." I watched in amusement as the boy to my left stuffed his face with chicken.

"Shut it, Witch." He mumbled, not stopping his eating.

"Hey, Kota. Can you bring me those vegetables?" Mandalay asked the child standing at the end of the room.

"Um, hey, Y/n. What's up with Kota?"

"The kid? He's cool, as long as you don't talk to him about hero stuff." I shrugged.

"Hell yeah, he's cool. Seems to have one hell of a punch." Bakugo snickered, and I hit the back of his head.


"This feels amazing!" Mina cheered as we all soaked in the hot springs, the girls and boys being separated by a large wooden wall.

"I'm glad they've got a hot springs here!" Jiro smiled.

"I know, right? I haven't visited in a while, so I forgot how good it feels." I sighed, sinking deeper into the water.

"So, Y/n, how do you seem to know so many heroes?" Ochaco asked, standing across from me.

All of us girls were crowded together, with Mina sitting on the rock to my left and Jiro sitting on my right. Tsu sat across from her, with Hagakare in between them, and Uraraka to Tsu's right. Mina sat between Ochaco and Mina, her hair tied up like Tsu and I's.

"Yes, I've wondered that as well. All the UA teachers always seem more lenient with you than the rest of us." Momo tilted her head.

"Oh, I promise, it's not cause I'm truly favorited or anything!" I waved my hands around.

"You see, my dad's a lawyer for pro heroes. One of the best in the business, I guess. He represents heroes when they're being called to court for a villans case or something. Because of him being a single parent, my dad would take me with him a lot when visiting different heroes, allowing me to meet so many of them. After a while, they all became like my family! I'm probably not supposed to say this, but Aizawa's actually my godfather. He, All Might, Midnight, Present Mic, and even Endever have been in my life longer than any other heroes."

"Wow, that's crazy!" Mina splashed the water.

"Yeah, it's no wonder you know so many pros! You practically grew up with them. So lucky!" Hagakare must have spun, seeing as ripples formed around her.

"Not to interrupt or anything, but do you guys hear something?" Jiro asked.

All of us paused as we heard the sound of rushing feet up the wall, Kota's body popping up and facing the boy's side of the springs.

"Before you become a hero, you should learn how to be a good human." The boy slapped Mineta, making him fall.

"I'll get you for this!" The pervert yelled.

"Mineta really is the worst, isn't he?" Tsu asked.

"Thanks so much, Kota, babe!" Mina sang. "We owe you one!"

"Yeah, thanks, kid!" I smiled, though it dropped as we all watched Kota lean backward, falling to the boy's side of the springs with a shout.

"Hey, is he okay?!" Momo yelled.

"I think so, but he passed out!" Izuku shouted back.

"Take him to Mandalay! She's probably in her office right now!" I told my brother. "Few, that could have ended badly."

"Yeah, I wonder what made him fall? Do you think he tripped?" Pink cheeks innocently asked.

"I think it was seeing six naked girls, Ochacho." Tsu bluntly stated, making the girl heat up in realization.


We woke up at 5:30 the next morning, causing all of us to be severely tired as we stood outside in our gym clothes, waiting for the heroes to instruct us with what were doing. My whole body was slouched against Bakuog, who supported my wait.

"Good morning, class." Aizawa greeted as several students yawned. "Today, we begin a training camp that will increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skills exponentially so that each of you earns a provisional license. This will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness. Proceed carefully. Look alive, Bakugo."

Katsuki gently pushed me off of him as Aizawa threw a ball similar to the one used on our first day of classes, the boy easily catching it.

"Try throwing that for me."

"Yeah, sure. Like in the fitness test."

"That's right. When you first started school, your record was 705.2 meters. Let's see if you've improved."

"Oh, I get it!" Alien Girl cheered as Bakugo walked a bit farther away, swinging his arm to warm up. "We're checking our progress."

"A lot's happened to us the last three months. Maybe he can throw it a whole mile now!" Discount Spiderman said.

"C'mon, get it, Bakugo!" Canada yelled behind me.

"I've got this. No one blink." The boy yelled. "Go to hell!"

With a massive explosion that blew everyone's hair back, Bakugo threw the ball, sending it flying.

"That was 709.6 meters," Aizawa stated, showing the number on the device in his hand.

"That's it? Kinda disappointing." Tape Boy mumbled.

"You've had a single semester at UA, and due to your various experiences, all of you have definitely improved. But those improvements have mostly been limited to mental prowess and technical skill. With a slight increase in stamina thrown in along the way. Your quirks really haven't grown that much stronger. Not on a fundamental level. That's why we're now going to focus on improving your powers."

Aizawa gave us a menacing smile, sending a chill up my spine and waking me up a bit, tension beginning to rise throughout the class.

"This'll be so hard, you'll feel like you're dying. Let's hope you all survive." 

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