Chapter 77

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As soon as Aizawa joined the four of us in the med bay in Ground Beta, the two boys having been lightly taken care of by Recovery Girl, the angry hero wrapped the two up in his scarf.

"You fought the night you finished the preliminary hero licensing exam? I'm glad to see that you two have so much energy."

"Aizawa, wait, hold on with those restraints. It's my fault that they sparred in the first place." Toshinori panicked while I casually leaned back on the wall behind me.

"Huh? Your fault? And how is that?"

Toshinori walked up to Aizawa, whispering in his ear so the rest of us couldn't hear. Aizawa groaned at All Might's supposed explanation, releasing the two from their entrapment.

"I understand that they felt they had to break the rules. But this isn't something I can just ignore. There must be a suitable punishment. Who threw the first punch?"

"I did." Katsuki easily admitted, ignoring Aizawa's threatening aura.

"I also went pretty hard. It wasn't just him." Izuku said.

"You're both on house arrest. Four days for Bakugo, three for Midoriya. During that time you will clean all the common areas in the dorm, morning and night. Plus, I want a written apology." Aizawa yelled, retracting his scarf. "If your injuries need to be checked out, head to the infirmary. But don't rely on the old lady's quirk this time. Figure out a way to heal yourselves."

"Y/n, I'm putting you in charge of making sure they do what they're required. Make sure they aren't slacking off or ignoring their punishment." Aizawa looked back at me, and I simply nodded my head in understanding. "That's all! Go."

Izuku was quick to rush out of the room, Bakugo moving at a slower pace behind him. I stayed a step behind the blond as we walked back to the dorms, neither of us saying anything the whole way up.

"You gonna actually talk, or ya just gonna keep ignoring me?" Bakugo grumbled as he placed a hand on his doorknob, moving his head to look back at me.

"Get in the room. Now." I told him, and I could tell that my stern tone surprised him, seeing as his shoulders tensed. Instead of arguing, the boy opened his door, walking into his room with me right on his tail.

"Go clean yourself up." I nodded to his bathroom, shutting the bedroom door behind me.

"Stop telling me what to do, Witch." He grumbled, though walked into the room anyway.

"Do not leave this room." I glared, ignoring his words.

Before Bakugo could say another word, I teleported to the infirmary, grabbing a few simple supplies before teleporting back to Katsuki's room.

"Sit down. Don't move." I didn't look at him as I threw all the supplies in the sink beside him, pushing him to sit on the seat of the toilet and undoing any bandages on his face and arms.

"Tch, I already got everything taken care of–" Katsuki tried to pull away, though quickly stopped upon seeing the look I gave him.

He allowed me to work in silence as I disinfected any cut, put cream on any burn, and/or rebandaged any wound. Once I was done, I threw away any trash, leaving any extras in his sink for now. I let out a frustrated sigh as I stared down at Katsuki, my eyes glued to the wrapping around his forearm.

I swear I heard Katsuki's breath hitch as I lightly ran my fingers over the material, my hands slowly moving up to his shoulders, then neck, and then his face, my thumb rubbing the bandage below Katsuki's cheek.

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