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"I'm sorry Mr. Park but in order to move out you'll need to show proof of employment" a man by the name of Soo Ha-Jun said with a polite smile

Jimin was currently on the second floor of the Hybrid Center. The employees that work here are office workers that are called coordinators.  They are responsible for insuring the proper care and safety for the Hybrids.

"A-A job? But why do I need that!?" Jimin said loudly in utter shock. Other employees in their cubicles turn their heads to see Jimin shouting. He bows his head apologetically and now whispers " I thought the rent w-was free for the housing"

The worker gives a polite smile again "Yes that is true. But we do worry for the safety of hybrids. We want to make sure that you have some sort of security when taking care of yourself. For example, being able to buy basic necessities for yourself"

Jimin looks down at his lap and sighs "I see...well uh...i'll just go and get that job then" he said sounding defeated

"Yes of course Mr. Park, please come back soon. Have a great day!" the employe said still smiling

This is how Jimin started following around Seokjin for the rest of the day. Just nagging him for help. He knows the older doesn't even want Jimin to move out, but he couldn't possibly resist his cute charms. Well that's what Jimin thought.

When Seokjin was folding laundry. Jimin was right next to him pleading on his knees.

"Jin hyung! Please let me work at your ice cream parlor"

"No, Jimin you won't even do any work" Jin said rolling his eyes and separating the laundry

Jimin follows Seokjin around even when he decided to go to the gym located in the Hybrid Center. He was running on the treadmill just focusing on his cardio. Jimin was right next to the machine but this time his hands wrapped together to make it look like he was praying.

"Jinnie hyungie! You have to get me a job at the ice cream parlor. My life depends on it!" he begs

Seokjin shakes his head "I'm not listening to you Jimin" he said still running and puts his earphones in his ear to ignore the bunny

Then when it was time for dinner. Jimin was begging Seokjin at their dinning table. He hasn't even touched the food on his plate.

Taehyung and Jungkook were bickering like usual until they noticed Jimin suddenly dropping to the ground at Jins feet. With a dramatic sigh, he again begs making sure to have cute wide eyes.

"Jin hyung!" Jimin whines "You take care of me so much, let me thank you by working at your store. I promise I'll be the best worker. I'll be better than Tae and Kookie. I promise!"

Taehyung then looks at Jimin offended "Yah! No other person can he employee of the month other than me!"

Jungkook slaps the back of Taehyung's head "What are you talking about? Jin hyung doesn't do employee of the month"

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