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How was everyone's Halloween? If you're American, are you ready for Thanksgiving!?

How was everyone's Halloween? If you're American, are you ready for Thanksgiving!?

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It was an hour left until closing time at the ice cream parlor. Oh boy did Seokjin want it to already end. Not because of difficult customers or anything like that. The day actually was pretty chill. It was because of little jimin. Minnie decided to make an appearance mid way of Jimin's shift and was extra whiny today.

"Hyyyung I don't wanna eat the veggies!" Jimin said in his baby voice

Seokjin was trying to feed little Jimin his dinner before they had to close the shop. "Yahh minnie you have to eat. You haven't eaten all day baby"

Jimin turns his head away and pouts "Minnie don't wanna eat dat! Minnie want c-candy"

"Maybe I can help hyung" Jungkook comes over to the table "Look Jimin! I got your favorite carrot chips" he holds up the bag of chips

Jimin's face brightens at the sight of them and he tried to grab at them but Jungkook moves the chips away before he can grab it. Jimin then frowns looking like he was about to cry.

"No you have to eat your food first. Jin hyung wants to make sure you're belly is full" Jungkook explained to the little sternly

Jimin's mouth wobbles a little snd tears pricked his eyes. Eventually he started wailing out loud. Taehyung drops his food on the ground from being startled. He looked over to see little Jimin and frowns.

"Just feed him the chips! Goodness my ears hurt" Taehyung said covering his tiger ears

"Tae! don't say that you'll upset him more" Seokjin scolds the tiger "And don't worry I have just the trick"

Seokjin takes his phone from his pocket and started texting someone. Meanwhile Jungkook does his best to soothes crying Jimin. Seokjin was tired and he had a little idea that could end up going wrong or going right.  It wasn't until ten minutes later the man Seokjin texted walked into the ice cream parlor.

"Yoongi! Hey" Seokjin greets the human happily

Jimin looks at the door and he immediately hides behind Jungkook. Little Jimin was definitely still not use to seeing his crush so close to him yet. But, little did he know that today he was going to face his fears.

"Come Jimin you're going home" Seokjin said grabbing Jimin's belongings and giving them to Yoongi

Yoongi takes them. When he read Seokjin's text earlier he immediately agreed even though he didn't fully understand what he was getting himself into. But he wanted to get to know Jimin more. Both big him and little him. So Yoongi just walks over to Jimin whose face we all puffy from crying. He takes Jimin's hands into his own loving the way his smaller hands fit into his larger ones. Jimin's hands were also very soft.

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