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A couple weeks have passed and the weather has gotten hotter. It was the perfect time for Hoseok to plan is yearly summer pool party. Everyone was here. Namjoon, Yoongi, jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, Jin, and Hoseok of course. Hoseok's housemaids in his giant mansion were running around making sure the guest were comfortable. Then there's Jimin in some random bedroom nervous about the party.

"Come on Jiminie just change into these shorts" Taehyung whines to his best friend

Jimin shakes his head looking down nervously at his fingers "I-I can't let Yoongi see me with no shirt. Can't I wear the shirt too?"

Taehyung groans "No Jimin for the tenth time already that's the only shirt you're going home with"

"Then i'll just ask Hoseok hyung for another shirt"

Taehyung paces around starting to feel annoyed "Jimin seriously what's wrong with being shirtless in front of Yoongi hyung? He won't care you're shirtless. We're all going to be freaking shirtless!"

Jimin sighs "I know but what if he thinks i'm too fa-"

"You're far from being fat" Taehyung interjects

"Okay well...what if he thinks i'm too skinn—"

"You're a healthy weight and Namjoon hyung can attest to that" Taehyung interjects once again

"Then what if he just doesn't like the way I look anyways?"

Taehyung now is the one sighing. He takes Jimin's hands into his own and they both sit down on the nearly made bed in this room. "Yoongi won't care Jimin. He's the most chill human we've ever met. Besides, if he insults you...i'm going to pound his face" the tiger hybrid then shows his sharp fangs

Jimin just slightly gasp "Tae don't do that. A-And maybe you're right. I don't know why I-I'm so nervous"

"Everyone is waiting for us." Taehyung gets up from the bed enthusiastically and puts his hands in his hips "Let's go cutie!"

Jimin ends up changing and they both step out into Hoseok's large backyard. His pool was an infinity pool that overlooked a beautiful view of trees and mountains in the distance. Hoseok's house was on top a hill area so the views surrounding it were nature and occasionally some other mansions in the distance.

The backyard has a few sun loungers and also a beautiful garden scattered around. The variety of flowers colored the place and gave a comfortable vibe. Everyone was already in the large pool or standing around it. There was popular music playing on some large speakers and also some housemaids were standing ready.

"I'll race you to the pool!" Taehyung said then running away before hearing Jimin's response

The tiger hybrid runs to the pool and jumps in causing a giant wave. Seokjin was laying down calmly on a floaty got startled when the waves caused by Taehyung made him fall into the water. The alpaca hybrid screams and lands in the pool whining and shouting at Taehyung. The tiger hybrid laughs like the little jokester he is.

"Yah Kim Taehyung! You better start counting your days because i'm going to kill you!" Jin shouts swimming towards Taehyung

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