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Yoongi wakes up to someone shaking him. He groans a little and slowly opens his eyes. Things were a bit hazy but all he sees and feels, is Jimin sitting on top of him looking distressed. The bunny hybrid has what looks like throw up all over his clothes and he was crying.

Yoongi frowns and just as he was about to sit up Jimin gags and starts to throw up all over Yoongi's stomach. Yoongi just reacts in shock. He cringed a little having someone throw up all over him. Instead he just gets up from the couch and brings Jimin to the bathroom.

"H-Hyung I-I don't feel too go—" Jimin vomits into the toilet and Yoongi just pats his back kind of freaking out

"Jimin what's wrong? Shit shit shit" Yoongi curses under his breath

The bunny hybrid lays his head on the toilet seat feeling very weak and was still clutching his stomach. Yoongj changes out of his clothes and also takes Jimin's clothes off too. Right now the two didn't care that they were naked in front of each other. Yoongi starts to run the shower. He goes into the bedroom to grab extra clothes for the both of them.

"Come Jimin we have to shower"

Jimin groans in pain "N-No I...I can't move it hurts" he said weakly

Yoongi sighs "It's okay sweetie you're going to be okay"

He slowly takes his time getting Jimin into the shower. Once inside the hybrid was leaning his head onto the tiled wall. His eyes were closed as he tried to endure the pain. Yoongi begins washing himself and Jimin. He made sure to not touch any of Jimin's private areas. He just gives Jimin a respectful light clean where the vomit hit him most.

After the shower Yoongi quickly dresses himself and then takes care of Jimin. The hybrid was again laying on the bathroom floor. He throws up again but thankfully in the toilet. When he was done he let Yoongi dress him up. Then he moves Jimin into the livingroom to lay on the couch. The couch was slightly dirty but Yoongu couldn't care at the moment.

He brings a bucket (that he uses for cleaning) and puts it on the floor close to Jimin's head. He then takes some cleaning products under his kitchen cabinets so that he can start cleaning the vomit on the floor. Stressed out, Yoongi also gets his phone so that he can call Namjoon. The time was currently 5:20am so he wasn't sure if Namjoon would answer. But after few seconds his best friend picks up.

"Yo what's up" Namjoon greets

"Joon I-I need your help. Jimin is very sick right now. He's like nonstop vomiting. I have no idea what to do"

"Okay okay calm down. What's his other symptoms?"

"He's like shivering and his stomach is hurting. Do I take him to the hospital?" Yoongi asked sounding panicked

"I'm currently on my way to work at the hybrid center hospital, try get him to me asap. We'll be ready to take him in"

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