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It's now morning time and Yoongi woke up thinking of last nights conversation. That hybrid with the white fluffy ears which Yoongi still doesn't know what type of half animal he is, made Yoongi curious. He mentally agreed to check on his cute next door neighbor that he now knows the name of. But Yoongi doesn't know exactly what he agreed to per se.

Yoongi gets up from his bed and does his morning routine of a shower, brushing teeth, and then changing clothes. He then walks out of his apartment to knock on the apartment next door to his. He hesitates a little it really prepared on what he should say. But eventually Yoongi shrugs his shoulders and just knocks on the door.

It takes a few moments to hear someone coming from the other side. As soon as the door opens it's Jimin in his pajamas and crazy bed hair.

"Oh?" He looked at Yoongi wide eye "Oh!" is all he could say and then he squeals and then closes the door in Yoongi's face

Yoongi blinks his eyes confused on what just happened. "What the hell? How rude was that" he mumbles under his breath

Right on time that's whence the door opens again and Jimin comes out apologizing. "S-Sorry sir! Sorry sorry!" he keeps on saying while going in constant ninety degree bows.

Yoongi groans to himself thinking how weird this cute hybrid was. He keeps it to himself and just continues with what he came here for. "hey uh...your friend Seokjin...."

"Y-Yes" Jimin nods for him to continue still shy "What about J-Jin hyung?"

Yoongi scratches the back of his head and looks down at his house slippers that he never took off "He wanted me to check in on you so uh...are you okay? Do you need anything?"

Jimin just stares at Yoongi surprised. Mentally he's freaking out about how his crush is worried about him. He takes deep breaths to keep calm but of course his cheeks give it away and he's blushing. Yoongi is still standing around awkwardly waiting for Jimin's answer.

"I-I'm okay umm...what's your name?" Jimin practically whispers the last part

Yoongi frowns trying to hear "Huh sorry I couldn't hear you."

"Y-Your name?" Again Jimin whispers

Yoongi gives an unamused chuckle "Yeah...still can't hear you"

"WHATS YOUR NAME!?" Jimin just screams making Yoongi flinch from the sound

Jimin gasp "Sorry I didn't mean to yell I—"

"It's okay it's fine." Yoongi shakes his head "My name is Min Yoongi. You're Jimin?"

Jimin gives a little smile loving the way his name sounds coming from his crushes mouth. "Yes Sir my name is Park Jimin. N-Nice to meet you...again"

Yoongi gives a little smile and nods his head "Yeah of course nice to formally meet you. I'm going to go now...knock if you need something or...whatever"

Jimin nods "Yes yes of course. T-Thank you"

Yoongi nods his head again, and then walks to his apartment door going inside immediately. Jimin quickly shuts his door and slides down the door releases a deep sigh. His heart was pounding and all he could think about was how amazing it was to get close to his crush. Yoongi even worried about Jimin.

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