9. I'M ALL

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Jimin lays down in his makeshift bed fort that's located randomly in his livingroom. Little Jimin made it yesterday and big Jimin was too lazy to put everything away. It was super comfortable anyways, and so big Jimin lays inside of it with his next door neighbor on his mind.

Jimin sighs in content " He called me...cute....he really called me cute"

Jimin knew that he was cute and handsome. Many of the staff at the hybrid Center and others would constantly tell him he was. Even if he was in or out of little space he was just a naturally charming guy. Even when things don't go his way he tries his best to use his cuteness to his advantage. But when Jimin is around his next door neighbor all that confidence goes away and he's instantly freezes up.

Jimin feels his stuff bunny Sugar was next to him so he grabs it and holds it in the air. He looks at Sugar in wonder. "Why can't I speak to him! Just a simple hello without getting all...weird ugh!"

"I'm so useless Sugar...just a coward" He said with a long sigh after "I don't know... I mean this is my first time having a...a... oh my goodness it's so weird to admit it but... a-a crush" he then blushes

Jimin hugs Sugar close to his chest and bites his lips worried "What do I do...I-I-"

Slowly Jimin can feel little Jimin coming out. He easily slips into little space and just lets all his feelings out. His tears pour from his cheeks and he hick ups struggling to breathe as he sobs. This feeling was overall overwhelming for Jimin. Not even little Jimin knew how to cope with these confusing but strong emotions.

A crying Minnie was a lot to take care of. Ever since Jimin moved out on his own he tries his best to not fall into little space because of instances like this. He needs someone with him to comfort him. But Jimin and help but to be himself. What was he going to do now.


"Ow ow hyung it hurts!" Taehyung's yells

Jin rolls his eyes "Yah sit still! I haven't even touched you yet"

"What? Hyung hurry" Taehyung whines

"No one told you to fall asleep with gum in your mouth ya idiot!" Seokjin said with a smack on Taehyung's arm

"OW!" Taehyung groans in pain rubbing the area where he was hit "this is abuse!"

Seokjin takes the scissors from the bathroom sink and takes the many strands of hair that is covered by chewing gum. Jin begins to position the scissors to cut the hair but then Taehyung moves away from Jin in a hurry.

"Wait! No I don't want to cut my hair. That's where my bangs are!" Taehyung whines again

"Well how else am I going to get the gum out! It's nearly stuck to the scalp Tae" Seokjin also whines back

"But i'm going to look like an idiot!"

Jungkook whom was sitting quietly in the bathroom with them the whole time started to chuckle. He was sitting at the edge of the tub. "Well you kinda are an idiot"

Taehyung pouts "Hey! Kook not you too!"

Jungkook shrugs his shoulders "Maybe we can try to wash it out and just use a whole bunch of conditioner?"

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