14. I

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Love their outfits so so much 😫


Yoongi had just gotten home from his parent's house. Today was one of those days he would go to work with his father and then just run errands for his parents afterwards. He didn't mind it sometimes since he thankful for his parents. But sometimes he hates it because they would have him drive to the grocery store and lift heavy things when all he wants to do is lay in bed and sleep. Today he came home around 12am.

Despite being tired he was still hungry. So he decided to make pork cutlet and rice. It was something he can easily make since all he has to do was fry the meat. Yoongi takes the meat out of the refrigerator and puts it on top of his counter. He was about to get other ingredients when he heard a soft knocking on his front door.

Yoongi first looks through peep hole and he sees that it's Jimin. He smiles and quickly opens the door. Jimin was looking at Yoongi wide eyed and cheeks red like always. Yoongi frowns because he noticed that Jimin demeanor seems different.

"H-Hello...I just wanted to...to um...D-Diminie hears you...uhh h-home"

Yoongi realized that Little Jimin has taken over now. So he pulls Jimin inside of his apartment while the little was still stumbling on his words. Yoongi pats the top of Jimin's head. "Jimin you came to visit me?" he asked softly

Jimin just nods his head "Yes diminie misses you"

"That's so sweet of you bunny. But shouldn't you be asleep by now?" Yoongi asked with a eyebrow raised

Jimin looks down flustered "I...I waited for you..t-to come home" he said now playing with his fingers

Yoongi takes Jimin's hands and leads him the kitchen "That's okay. I was about to make a late night dinner. You hungry?"

Jimin nods his head "D-Diminie wan food!"

Yoongi laughs "Okay well i'm making pork cutlet"

Jimin tilts his head "P-Potk cutlet?"

Yoongi was continuing his task of getting the ingredients and prepping them "You never had it?" he asked while busy

Jimin shakes his head "No...b-but I wan food"

"Okay sweetheart you can come help me okay?"

Together Jimin helps Yoongi cook. It was mostly Yoongi doing the work but he was happy to have good company after a long day. Earlier he didn't get to visit Jimin and the other hybrids across the street during lunch time because the jewelry store was surprisingly busy. It was usually around this time of year lots of couples will come in to purchase for their loved ones.

Even after he was dragged back to his parent's house by his father. Being in Jimin's company has always made Yoongi happy. Yoongi was even more pleased to cook food for Jimin. He likes taking care of the bunny hybrid more than he expected.

When the food was done Yoongi put everything in a plate for Jimin first and made the little sit down at the dinning table instead of the bar stool. He didn't want little Jimin to fall back and hurt himself. Then Yoongi plated his own food and sits next to Jimin.

Little Jimin was tired and hungry. So he started eating the food with no hesitation. That would end up being a big mistake. Even so, Yoongi was happy that Jimin loved it. He would also wipe the crumbs from Jimin's face using his own hands. They would talk about some cartoon character that Jimin watched on television.

"You want to lay down on the couch and watch a movie?" Yoongi asked Jimin softly

Jimin yawns "Yes please"

Yoongi takes both of their now empty plates and dumps them in the garbage. He then puts the left overs away and makes a note to wash the dishes tomorrow. He then takes some blankets in his hall closest and brings them to his living room couch. Jimin was already sitting waiting patiently.

Yoongi sits on the couch cuddles close to Jimin. He has the blanket over their bodies despite it being warm outside. The aircon was on so there was a slight chill in the apartment. Yoongi turns on netflix kids and lets Jimin choose whatever he wanted. He eventually chooses a random movie.

Twenty minutes into the movie the both of them were leaning on each other, asleep. Just peacefully cuddling into each other's embrace.


It's the day after Thanksgiving and I can't wait to eat some left overs! 🍗

Also did you guys watch Jungkook's Golden Live? I didn't get to since I had to work lol

BTW if anyone has any questions regarding my fanfics or me in general. You're welcome to ask! Maybe i'll do like a Q&A

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