16. TELL

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After the pork cutlet incident, Yoongi really wanted to make it up to Jimin after he fully recovered. So he found himself standing outside of Jimin's apartment ready to knock on the door. Before Yoongi knocks the door opens anyways to a smiling bunny hybrid.

"Hyungie! What're you doin here. Hm?" He asked cutely tilting his head

"Oh uh...I was just...wondering if you wanted to go grocery shopping with me?" Yoongi asked finally putting the fist down that was supposed to knock on the door

Jimin giggles "Of course we can go! I have nothing to do anyways. Let me get my bag!"

He runs into his apartment and grabs his belongings. The Jimin rushes to Yoongi and they go on their way to the local grocery store. It was a slightly rainy day. The clouds were grey in the sky and there was a slight drizzle in the air. Jimin however was a whole sunshine himself as he practically skips next to Yoongi.

"Seokjin hyung still won't let me go into work. He thinks i'm still sick" Jimin complains

"From what I hear, the others say you don't work much in the shop anyways" Yoongi jokes

Jimin looks up at Yoongi and gasp "That's so not true! I work at least sixty percent of the time. I can't control it when little Jimin wants to come out and play"

Yoongi chuckles "You're so cute"

Jimin blushes "I-I'm— thank you I guess"

Once they made it into the grocery store, Yoongi gets a cart and they start browsing. Yoongi asked Jimin what types of groceries and food he likes. Jimin points to the  food he usually buys. The store even has a section for hybrids as well. It was a small section but it did have a small variety of food that some hybrids would eat.

"I've never been to this grocery store! It's bigger than the other one I go to" Jimin said looking around

Yoongi pushed the cart and nods his head "I looked this one up online. It's a discounted store that only sells organic groceries. I thought it would be the perfect place for you"

Jimin turns to Yoongi and gives him a big smile "hyung you're the one that calls me sweet, but it's you that's sweet."

"Of course I have to take care of my favorite bunny" Yoongi said pinching Jimin's cheeks causing the hybrid to giggle "Buy whatever you want okay?"

"Sir yes sir!" Jimin then runs off into the cereal area and picks his favorite organic cereal "Look this one's my favorite!"

Yoongj takes it from Jimin "Then legs put it in the cart"

They walks around some more until Yoongi gets distracted in the produce area. He was picking some tomato's that he needed for himself. He didn't notice that Jimin walked off by himself. When he looks up he looks around for Jimin.

"Jimin?" He calls out

He then moves to find him. Jimin definitely couldn't have been very far. Yoongi looks in the sweets section thinking that Jimin would be there. Yoongi was right, but Jimin wasn't alone. He was being harassed by a group of  humans that kept a strong hand around Jimin's arm.

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