19. I'M

105 13 4

For Seokjin's bday, please stream THE ASTRONAUT!👏💜

Today the hybrids had to do their annual health check. So they now sit in the Hyrbid Centers downstairs health office waiting to be checked by Doctor Kim Namjoon himself. They wore hospital gowns being that they were getting a full body check and would need to be naked for some parts of the check.

The has already did a full body scan in the scan room and now they are waiting for blood work and annual vaccinations. The first one to go was Taehyung being that he was always a difficult patient. He hated needles and Namjoon rather deal with him first. The other three just sit in the waiting room for their turn.

"My parents are having another baby again can you believe this" Jungkook said annoyed

Seokjin laughs "Yes actually I can believe it. Because they're rabbits. They're always hor—"

"What am I going to do!" Jimin suddenly groans

Jin and Jungkook look at Jimin worried. "What's wrong sweetie?" Jin asked

"Yoongi hyung...he...ugh" Jimin leans forward into his chair covering his face with both hands "can you guys promise me something?" he asked with his voiced mumbled

"Of course you can Jimin. What's up?" Jungkook asked

Jimin puts his hands down on his lap and he leans back in thr chair. He looks at his two best friends scared. They remain patient waiting for Jimin to say what he has to say. Jimin takes a few deep breaths before he talks.

"O-Okay but...I have been thinking...I-I think that uh...that I like Yoongi hyung, a lot" Jimin confesses

Jin and Jungkook look at each other and then back at Jimin in silence. Suddenly they start laughing, but not at Jimin. Jimin looks at them like they were weird. He was confused at his friend's reactions.

"W-What? It's stupid I kno—"

"No no baby that's not it!" Jin said still laughing "It's just that we all kinda knew you and Yoongi like each other already"

Jimin frowns "Yeah but I mean I like him in a...a romantic way hyung"

Jungkook claps his hands as he laughs "Yes of course, we know that hyung!"

Jimin blushes "Am I that obvious? The only one I told was Sugar. DID SUGAR SPILL THE BEANS!?"

Jungkook again couldn't stop laughing "A stuffed animal can't ta— ugh!" Jungkook holds his side from the pain Seokjin inflicted with his elbow. He gives Jungkook a dirty look but then turns to Jimin holding the smaller bunny's hands.

Jin smiles sweetly at Jimin "No honey, we are your best friends. We know everything about you. Admitting that you like Yoongi is good! But, you have to say it to him."

Jimin looks down nervously "I would love to confess hyung but... I don't really know how. Like...like maybe I should give him a surprise!"

"Well I have an idea" Jungkook speaks up "Propose to Yoongi in a beautiful field of flowers while holding a bouquet of carrots!"

Seokjin looks back at Jungkook with a frown "A bouquet of carrot? You gotta be kidding me. I think that's something you want. Yoongi is human"

Just then a scream was heard in the hallway near the waiting area. Some sounds of objects falling and nurses  yelling alarmed the three hybrids in the waiting room. They look to see Kim Taehyung with his tiger ears pushed back in fear running away from the nurses and Namjoon trying to catch him.

Seokjin groans in annoyance "Of course this one starts showing out in the hospital"

"CATCH HIM! HOLD HIM DOWN!" Namjoon yells out orders

Taehyung is running around knocking things over and jumping over chairs trying to dodge the nurses and Namjoon. Jungkook sighs knowing what he has to do. He calmly goes over to Taehyung. The tiger hybrid was baring his teeth at the nurses while he stands on top of got reception desk. He noticed Jungkook and starts to plead.

"Jungkook-ah! They're trying to kill me with their weapons help me!"

Jungkook just silently stands on top of the reception desk with Taehyung and then grabs him tightly, holding him. Taehyung again starts screaming bloody murder while Jungkook keeps a strong hold on him leading him back to the examination room. The nurses and Namjoon all sigh in content following them back to the examination room as well.

Seokjin facepalms "He's so embarrassing sometimes I swear..."

"Poor Tae Tae" Jimin mumbles

"Anyways Jimin" Jin calls him getting his attention again "You can still admit your feelings for Yoongi in a more private way. I know this all makes you nervous so maybe you can write him a letter confessing to how you feel"

Jimin looks at Jin surprised "Oh! You're right! A letter is great idea. But I also kinda like Jungkook's idea too" he said with a hand under his chin thinking

Jin chuckles "You actually want to give him a bouquet of carrots?"

"Oh no no" Jimin shakes his head also laughing "maybe...maybe the flower field part"

For the rest of the day Jimin thinks about how to confess to Yoongi. He even stays up all night thinking of the plans and writing it down in his journal. His only problem is that he had to get over his inner fear of possible rejection.


We only have one more chapter left! Tell me what you think of the story so far??

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