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It is nearing towards the end of the work day and Yoongi stretched his body at his seat. He was currently in the break room after he was done cleaning some diamonds. His father walks into the room with and gives his son a little nod.

"You're free to go son"

"Yeah i'm going. Thanks dad" Yoongi said with a tired sigh

"Remember that you're having dinner with me and your mother this Thursday" his dad said sternly "No missing out this time"

Yoongi grabs his things and walks to the door "I know I know. I promise I'm not going to miss out. Get home safe tell mom I said hi!" he then leaves quietly before his father can lecture him again

Yoongi's been living on his own ever since he was twenty two years old. He's always been a loner and always liked having his own space. It took a lot of convincing from his parents at the time to get his own place. Now they fully trust in him and Yoongi is able to do as he pleases; except for the fact that his boss is his own father at work.

Just as he steps outside he looks across the street i the ice cream parlor. Through the windows he can see the hybrids are laughing about something. They were always looking happy. Yoongi then thought about his meeting with Hoseok and Namjoon the other day. Getting to know the little bunny hybrid was something he was a bit nervous about. But he was itching for it.

Yoongi then walks across the street and opens the door the ice cream parlor. He plays it cool by looking unbothered as always. The Alpaca hybrid Jin smiles at Yoongi. The other three look at Yoongi surprised.

"Hey uhh... was just coming in to say hello" Yoongi said

"Good evening Yoongi-ssi" Seokjin greets the awkward male "What can we do for you?"

"Oh nothing I was just passing by" Yoongi said looking over at Jimin for a moment "Was just wondering if you guys wanted to join me at the park?"

Jungkook looks at Yoongi weirdly "U-Us? You want to hang with us?"

Yoongi nodded his head "Yeah sure why not? It's not a problem right?"

Taehyung walks over to Yoongi and wraps an arm around the man's shoulders. Yoongi didn't expect the contact and nearly falls but Taehyung keeps him up. "Heyy yeah that's a wonderful idea. Right Jiminie?" the tiger hybrid looks at Jimin mischievously

Jimin just silently nods his head. He then turns away to sweep the floor not wanting to make eye contact. Seokjin takes the broom away from Jimin and smiles at Yoongi. Jimin whines not having his distraction anymore. "Yeah that will be a great idea. Let us close the shop"

The hybrids closed the ice cream parlor and they began to walk to the local park in the neighborhood. Yoongi asked the other two hybrids their names and learned that the tiger is Taehyung and Jungkook is the other bunny hybrid.

He observed that the other hybrids were a bit over protective of Jimin. Speaking of Jimin, the smaller bunny hybrid was very quiet during the walk. He constantly would look down at the ground as they walked.

Once they made it to the park Taehyung
wildly starts to run around the big open field of lush grass like a little kid. Jungkook follows after him and they're already having the time of their lives.

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