17. YOU

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After a few more days Jimin was finally able to work with his friends at the ice cream shop. Jimin was completely recovered from his food poisoning. For days he's lost his appetite but he's finally been eating full on meals.

Today Jimin was going to hang out with his hybrid friends when they finish work. As soon as it's closing time the hybrids worked quickly to clean the shop. Jimin was sweeping through floors when Yoongi came into the shop to greet everyone. Taehyung nudged Jimin's shoulder to make him look.

"Yo look who's here." Taehyung said with a wink

Jimin looks up to see Yoongi. He smiles brightly and runs to give him a big hug. Ever since the kiss the other day, they haven't been able to keep their hands off each other; with appropriate touches of course.

"Ready to go home?" Yoongi asked still with hands around Jimin's waist

Taehyung clears his throat " Yeah uhh sorry, but he's coming with us tonight"

Jimin moves away from Yoongi embrace "Oh yes I forgot. Sorry hyung but I wanted to hang out with the others since it's been a while"

Yoongi puts his hands up as if he were surrendering "Don't worry I understand" he said casually "I'll see you tomorrow then"

Jimin giggles and then kisses Yoongi's cheek. This makes Taehyung's jaw drop. Soon after Jungkook and Seokjin come out from the break room. When they notice Yoongi they give their greetings and start small talk with him.

"Alright i'm going home now" Yoongi said walking to the door after the small talk with the other hybrids "See you tomorrow guys"

"Bye Yoongi!" they all say at the same time watching him leave the ice cream shop

As soon as Yoongi was out of sight, Taehyun drops the broom stick he had in his hands and shakes Jimin from his shoulders. "YOU FRISKY LITTLE BUNNY! How you and Yoongi hyung are kissing now!?"

Jungkook and Seokjin gasped when they heard that. Jimin starts to get all shy and giggly again. "My baby is kissing?" Seokjin said in disbelief

Taehyung lets Jimin go and turns to look at Seokjin crazily "Yeah! I saw him kiss Yoongi's cheek"

Jungkook shrugs his shoulders "Well it's not like he kisses his lips" he said taking a drink from his reusable water bottle

"Actually...we did kiss on...on the lips" Jimin shyly

Jungkook spits the water out all over the floor in disbelief. Seokjin gives a little screech from the top of his lungs. Taehyung dramatically falls to the ground gasping and looking at Jimin with big wide eyes.

"Y-You guys kissed!? Our Jiminie isn't innocent anymore" Jungkook whines

"Maybe I should kill that bastard from taking away his innocence!" Taehyung said ready to fight pulling his
sleeves up

"Guys guys! Calm down! It's okay it was a...a sweet moment. Yoongi hyung didn't do anything wrong!" Jimin defends his crush

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