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It's been about two weeks since Jimin's has been working at Jins ice cream parlor. Well half of the time he was actually working, other times he was in his head space and didn't work. His friends didn't care when that happened. They would just treat Jimin like normal and still complete their task as usual.

Seokjin hesitantly provided Jimin the documents he needed to prove his employment. These documents were required for the Hybrid Centers approval to move out. He still didn't like the idea of Jimin moving out of the Hybrid Center and living alone. But after some thought, he knew he has no control over his friend. At the end of the day he was still his own person.

The coordinator was looking over Jimin's documents. Jimin sat at the chair in anticipation and nerves. After some time the papers were put down the coordinator smiles at Jimin.

"Well Mr. Park it seems that you succeeded in proving you're okay to be on your own. I am able to assist with your apartment searching"

The bunny hybrid wanted to jump out of his seat in excitement but he just settles for excited claps instead. His eyes smile charms the coordinator.

"Oh my! This is great! I-I'm ready"

"Alright" The man then looks at his computer and starts to type "Before we go over some apartments I did want to inform you about this moving out program"

Jimin was still beaming and so he excitedly nods his head leaving closer.

"A various of these apartments are owned by the Hybrid Center." The man starts to explain firmly "Since you're a hybrid still under our care, you don't have to pay rent. Just only utilities as well as your own food and personal hygiene expenses. This is why it was important for you to prove you were employed"

Jimin takes all this information in with a variety of emotions. He's surprised, intrigued, happy, and nervous all at the same time. But he tries his best to keep his head straight and for little Jimin to not make an appearance at a time like this.

The man turns his computer screen for Jimin to look. It was a webpage showing a list of apartments that were nearby according to the addresses they showed on the bottom.

"Many of these apartments we own are in this neighborhood since it would be safer to still be close to the Hybrid Center. Please tell me which one you'd like to see" The man points to the screen

Jimin leans forward even more and his eyes were wide in fascination. He felt a surge of power through his body. This is what it feels to truly be an adult. So Jimin proceeds to look at the options and one apartment stood out.

It's a medium sized modern apartment that has large windows from floor to ceiling. These large windows were mostly in the living room that was also the kitchen, and also the bedroom. There was only one bedroom. The bathroom was smallish, not very big but looked clean.

In the living room kitchen area. There was an all white kitchen Island and modern
kitchen appliances against the wall parallel to the Island. With the modem appliances are all white counters matching the Island. The kitchen also has matching cabinets above the kitchen.

The picture shows the apartment with no furniture so the living room was empty. But it was enough for Jimin to notice the wall color was a light grey color with white trims. The floor was a light smooth wood color.

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