18. BUT

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It was a random Wednesday evening when Jimin decided to stay at Yoongi's house for dinner

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It was a random Wednesday evening when Jimin decided to stay at Yoongi's house for dinner. These days the two spent lots of time together so it wasn't surprising. These days little Jimin hasn't made appearances in front of Yoongi.

Mostly it was because Jimin forced himself to stay big even when he didn't want to be. He wanted to take time to develop his relationship with Yoongi while in a normal headspace.

Today was different. As Jimin lays down on Yoongi's couch a kids toy commercial plays on television. Yoongi was currently in the kitchen making dinner since he was the main chef between the two of them.

Jimin eyes went wide as he was entranced by the action figures being played by actual children on screen. He too wanted to assemble and pretend that he was playing with soldiers.

Little Jimin instantly came out as soon as Jimin was off guard. He sits up and starts whining at the television. "I-I wan dat..."

Once the commercial stops playing little Jimin looks around the room wanting to actually play with something. He notices the curtain on one of the windows and decided that he can play hide and seek. So he runs over and hides behind the curtain hoping to troll Yoongi into finding him at some point.

"ooh it's so cozy!" he squeals as he looks up at the curtain rod holding the curtain "Maybe I can make a dress"

Jimin makes a choice and decides to find a way to take the curtain down. Little Jimin was feeling extra mischievous today. It was a trait he generally got from Taehyung. The bunny stands on his tippy toes to try to reach the curtain. He grunts from stretching his body as much as he can. But to no avail, the curtain wasn't going down.

Jimin gets from behind the curtain and looks around the room. He finds Yoongi's computer chair and wheels it to the curtain. Just as he was about to step
on the chair....

"What are you doing?" a deep voice made him freeze

"Huh!? Oh hi hyungie minni— I-I mean diminie— I mean uh..."

Yoongi smiles "Minnie it's you? I missed you" the older said softly opening his arms out for a hug

Little Jimin instantly smiles no longer nervous from nearly getting caught. He runs into Yoongi's arms, his face smashing into Yoongi chest. The two of them were all giggly and jolly. When Yoongi pulls away he kisses the top of Little Jimin's forehead.

"Not sure if you know but, i'm dinner. Are you hungry?" Yoongi asked caressing the bunny's head

Jimin leans into his touch "Yes! I want ALL the food!"

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