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Yoongi tried to just let it go. He didn't want to cause any trouble being that it was a new neighbor. Yoongj never noticed when the
is neighbor moved in.

Yesterday there was no moving trucks. Possibly it was today they moved in. But why? Why did they choose to unpack in the middle of the night and be loud about it.

That was the motivation for Yoongi to finally confront the neighbor. He gets up from the couch to leave his apartment. He goes to the last apartment next to his.

Even from the other side of the door he can hear all the loud activities. He frowns and knocks on the door aggressively.

The noise suddenly died down and a few muffled voices were heard. Eventually what Yoongi didn't expect, was a hybrid that opens the door.

He was tall and had these white fluffy ears. Yoongi couldn't really pinpoint what half animal he was. The hybrid also didn't open the door wide enough. He opens opens it just enough to poke his head through. Not that it really mattered to Yoongi.

"Look i'm sure you just moved in...but can you please, not make so much damn noise at 3am?" Yoongi asked annoyed

The tall hyrbid just smiles at Yoongi awkwardly. He then opens the door a little bit more so he can bow apologetically. "S-Sorry about that sir! We kinda lost track of time"

Yoongi still looked angry. He did get a glimpse of what was going on in the background. That's when he sees one other hybrid from afar, holding pieces of furniture in his hand. That made Yoongi even more angry.

He scoffs "You're seriously putting furniture together now? How did you even lose track of time? Look—" Yoongi just sighs trying to not get too worked up "I don't care if you need to unpack but don't do such things. That's inconsiderate for not only me, but for the people below you as well"

The tall hybrid again bows in apology "I-I know sir I guess we weren't thinking. I'm so so sorry" he keeps apologizing

Meanwhile, Park Jimin whom was in the background with Taehyung and Jungkook all froze. Jimin wasn't in the view of the door but he peeks his head to the side to see who Seokjin was talking to.

That's when he realizes that the person Seokjin was talking to is the same customer from the ice cream shop that made Jimin freeze in love sick paralysis. Never did he think the man would become his neighbor.

And not only that, he got on his bad side from being too loud. Already a terrible first impression even though the man thought the apartment belonged to Seokjin. But soon he will know it's Jimin. Jimin instantly thinks Yoongi's going to hate him.

Seokjin was done talking to the man and closed the door. He turns towards his three other friends win a deep sigh. "Well that couldn't have gone any better"

"Everyone... leave" Jimin suddenly said still staring at the door but now with rosey cheeks

Jungkook looks at Jimin confused "But we haven't even set the bed up. Where are you going to sleep?"

Jimin just shakes his head and pushes both Jungkook and Taehyung to the front door with Jin. "You heard the man, we're being too loud. It's okay, i'll just use the duvet and sleep on the floor"

Jimin opens the door and pushes his friends out. They all look at him weirdly. "We can finish later when we all get some sleep. Alright BYE!"

Before he can hear what his friends were going to say, he closes the door and it locks. Jimin leans against the door and his heart was pounding. What a small world that his love at first sight crush lives right next to him.

Jimin sighs and looks around his apartment. It's messy with boxes from the furniture that Hoseok was so kind to gift him. Before they were interrupted they were all trying to put together a shelf. All the pieces were just left on the ground.

Jimin steps over them and opens one of his newest bed covers. He takes a new pillow that was also in plastic and puts a pillow cover on it. He then goes into his empty bedroom and sets the blanket and pillow on the floor. He then goes back into the living room / kitchen and takes his plushy named Sugar. It was on top of some random box titled 'kitchen stuff'.

Jimin walks back to the bedroom and lays on the floor. He doesn't have blinds yet so all he saw was the wide dark sky, and the little crescent moon in the distance. He starts to yawn now realizing how tired he was. They were moving into the apartment since early morning. His body did ache.

"I'm sorry to you" Jimin mumbles thinking of his crush next door and falls asleep cuddling his stuffed plushy close to his chest


The bad thing about apartments is that everyone has to be considerate of their neighbors in terms of noise.

I have noisy neighbors that live above me so i'm literally Yoongi in this situation lmao

I will say though, over a couple years they aren't as loud as they use to be. Maybe they finally got the hint when we we're constantly complaining 🤣

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