5. I

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The night was still chilly being that it was mid spring. A man by the name of Min Yoongi was at a bar that was filled with many people around his age.

They were either drinking beer and soju playing bar games. Or some were simply talking and chatting loudly with friends the more drunk they got. But Yoongi, was alone at the moment as he waited for his long time friend Kim Namjoon to come out of the bathroom.

When the tall man with a buzz cut hair did come out of the bathroom Yoongi just shakes his head at him "What the hell took you so long? Were you banging some hot guy in the bathroom?"

Namjoon blushes "w-what? No the line was so fucking long. Damn get your mind out of the gutter" he then laughs

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of his whisky on ice. He looks down at the glass cup in wonder. "It's just that it's been a long time since we got to hang together Joon. Speaking of that, how is it working at the Hyrbid Hospital? I see you've been busy"

Namjoon sips some of his beer, his usual alcohol of choice when drinking. "Yeah it's been pretty busy lately. The hybrid center is low on doctors so...i'm basically holding down the fort"

"What's it even like being a hybrid doctor?" Yoongi asked in curiosity "I barely see hybrids so I don't know much about them."

Namjoon looks at Yoongi surprised "you barely see them? You literally live in the same neighborhood with the Hybrid Center"

Yoongi shrugs "Other than working at my dads jewelry shop, I don't go outside much. The only hybrids I see around are the ones that work at ice cream shop nearby"

Namjoon chuckles "Well clearly you need to get some more outside time. And to answer your question, the job is just like being a regular human doctor. Hybrids can have the same health problems humans do"

Yoongi just hums and nods. He then takes a sip of his drink and looks around the bar. "Would you prefer to be a human doctor or hybrid doctor?"

Namjoon instantly smiles "I choose hybrids. They're the most humble beings I swear. Honestly I'd date one, I can see you with a hybrid too"

Yoongi looks at Namjoon like he as crazy "Me? I'm not the caregiver type"

Namjoon laughs "That's a total lie! You're always caring for your friends and family behind closed doors. Give yourself some more credit man"

Yoongi just sighs and shakes his head. He didn't take well to compliments. "I don't know...I just feel that I won't be able to care for them as much as they need. I read an article once that hybrids naturally want their partners or caregivers to be super attentive to them"

"Well that sounds about right" Namjoon shakes his head in agreement "But it's not as bad as you think. But, I can see you with a hybrid. Just...having someone that's super loving, loyal, and caring would work for you. Sometimes I worry you're too lonely..." Namjoon mumbles the last words

Yoongi leans back in his chair and crosses his arms "You worry too much about me Joon. But no, I don't want to be stigmatized that i'm just some...some fetishizing weirdo. I also read articles that they accuse those who date hybrids are weirdos with no life. I don't want to lumped up with them"

Namjoon shakes his head "I need to see these supposed articles you're reading. People who are in support of the Hybrid community definitely aren't in it for fetishizing. Anyways...cheers?" he said holding up his beer

Yoongi gives a little smile and clinks his glass with Namjoon. For the rest of the night they continue to talk and talk. Yoongi was a heavy weight so it took time before he was officially drunk. The bar had gotten livelier as time passed too. The music got louder and more conversations overpowered the bar as well.

It was around 1:20am when Yoongi decided to go home. He says his goodbyes to Namjoon and begins to walk home to his apartment. It was only fifteen minutes of a walk. Yoongi's face glowed red as he was still drunk, but the chilled night air made him feel better.

Once he got home he goes to the second floor and walks down the long hallway. His apartment was the second to last apartment. Yoongi then noticed some strange noises from the the very last apartment next to his.

That apartment has been vacant for a long time so he just frowns for a moment but then shrugs it off. When he inputs his apartment code he immediately goes inside and takes his shoes off. Then he goes to this bedroom and begins to strip himself so he can change to pajamas.

Yoongi then goes into his livingroom to watch television and starts to eat a snack. He wasn't tired yet and still wanted to enjoy the buzz. Laying down on his couch he turned the television on low volume.

After about a half an hour he was starting to fall asleep unwillingly. That's when he hears a loud crash and shouts on the other side of the wall. Yoongi's eyes instantly opened up and he frowns. The wall that's in his view is where the sound is coming from. That wall is connected to the vacant apartment.

He slowly gets up and turns the television off. He walks to the wall and pressed his ear against it. That's when he heard that there is  indeed new neighbor right next to him.


I know i've been writing this series so far nonstop. I would literally write and publish like 3-6 chapters everyday for each book.

But for this book in particular I need to slow down my writing because I am the most excited for this story in particular. It's going to be longer than the other ones, so I can't write as much in one day.

So forgive me, my current live readers. I will be publishing chapters for this story every other day. Or even maybe just 1-2 chapters a day. If I choose to write more I will. But it's not going to be like the other book schedules!

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