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Jimin was all frozen up from his sudden nervousness and shyness. He wanted to be professional since this was his first customer.

But why did his first customer have to be some conventionally attractive guy that asked for strawberry ice cream. Which this flavor is actually Jimin's favorite flavor as well.

"Uhh excuse?" The man waves his hand at Jimin "Can I have strawb—"

"I'm so sorry sir!" Taehyung said coming behind Jimin and moving the bunny hybrid to the side "He's new, what can I get you today?" he asked the attractive man in a professional customer service voice and a bright smile

The man looked at Jimin still confused but then points down at the ice cream flavor that's behind the glass for him. "I would like strawberry Sherbert on a waffle cone"

"Of course! Coming right up." Taehyung said putting on his gloves and then getting the scooper that's usually soaking in warm water to make it easier to scoop the cold ice cream better.

Jimin was still staring at the man. He felt so bad. His first crush and he totally embarrassed himself. And this was his fist customer too. Thankfully Taehyung knew to save the day.

Jimin wanted to apologize. He wanted to say a simple hello. In Jimin's head he wanted to start a friendly conversation that went smoothly like 'Oh you like strawberry ice cream! So do I!'

But all of that was ruined because Jimin couldn't control his body. It was in his natural instinct to just freeze up. Not only when he's in danger, but when he's in a peculiar situation like this one. So many thoughts just ran inside his head.

Jimin starts to sweat the more the man would glance at him from time to time. Jimin settled with looking down shyly as he played with his own fingers. The blush never leaving his face. It was all so overwhelming for him he can feel little Jimin wanting to come out.

"Alright sir! that will be 2,300 won please!"

The conventionally attractive man pays Taehyung with cash. He then leaves the store not even looking back. That's when Jimin loses it. He couldn't hold out any longer.

"Tae Tae...Diminie is sowrry" Little Jimin mumbles

Jungkook and Taehyung both look at Jimin in surprise. Jungkook shakes his head. He knew that Jimin would end up regressing at some point. Taehyung starts to laugh.

"It looks like I won the bet! He didn't even last two hours!" Taehyung said cheering m

Jungkook rolls his eyes "Shut up! No even made a bet with you. Now will you go take care of him before Jin hyung sees" he whispered

Taehyung just continues chuckling. He takes Jimin's hands and leads him from behind the ice cream counter. He makes Jimin sit down at one of the empty tables and pats Jimin's head. He scratches behind his white rabbit ears knowing Jimin loves that spot.

"Minnie! I love you, I really do. But you have to let big Jimin out. It's time to work now" Taehyung said in a soft voice

"Nuh-Uh! Diminie wants to hide. Diminie saw a pretty prince" Little Jimin explains with tears pricking the side of his eyes

Taehyung just sighs "Fine...there's no forcing it. I'll just go get you paper so you can color. Is that okay?" Taehyung then wipes Jimin's tears with his thumb "Also don't cry! My Jiminie is too cute to cry"

Little Jimin starts to chuckle "Otay Tae Tae...I'll try n-not to cry"

Taehyung pecks little Jimin's cheeks and he heads off to the break room. That's when he sees Seokjin on his laptop doing work. When things aren't busy, he's usually just checking inventory, managing the stores finances, and also paper work if necessary.

Jin looks at Taehyung sensing something was wrong "What happened Tae?"

"Uhh...Jimin...he regressed just now" Taehyung said with awkward smile "And I just promised him some paper and crayons to color"

Seokjin sighs as he hides his face in his hands for a moment. He was mumbling under his breath. Jin then gets up from his seat and gets some printer paper and  a pack of crayons he keeps around just for Jimin. He hands them over to Taehyung.

"You're not mad? " Taehyung questioned

Jin just shrugs "What's the point of being mad when it's Jimin. Besides we all knew it would happen"

"Guess he's not gonna get paid for this" Taehyung jokes

"No, I'll still pay him" Jin said shaking his head "He's still an employee here. When he's not in little space, working gives him something to do, you don't think? It's not a big deal for me"

"Ooh! ooh! The maybe we can just teach little Jimin how to work. But keep it fun" Taehyung presses more

"Pfft...good luck with that"


Jimin got SO SHY he regressed into 3 year old Jiminie 🥹

(Jimin's hair is not pink in this fanfic)

(Jimin's hair is not pink in this fanfic)

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