7. YOU

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It's felt like YEARS since i've updated...i'm sorry so sorry.

But I had started working again and was trying to transition back into my work

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But I had started working again and was trying to transition back into my work

But No worries~~ This NEW JEANS SONGS x BTS FANFIC SERIES will continue!!

But No worries~~ This NEW JEANS SONGS x BTS FANFIC SERIES will continue!!

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It took a total of three days to finish organizing Jimin's apartment. Ever since his new neighbor slash crush's noise complaint, he made sure to do everything during the day. Thankfully it didn't take too much time to do it during the day since he got a bulk of it done the first day with his friends.

But today was the housewarming party. It wasn't Jimin's idea of one, but actually Jin's. Jin and Jungkook just wanted an excuse to cook a feast together. It's been a long time since the friends have done that.

Jimin tidied up the house a bit more as he waited for his friends to start knocking on his door. But as he was doing that he got distracted over looking the city from his large window in the middle of the living room and kitchen. It was a wonderful view. As he was getting lost in time, Jimin heard his first knock.

"Oh! That must be Jin hyung!" Jimin said excitedly then started skipping to the door

Jimin opens the door to see Jin, Jungkook, and Taehyung holding large foil tins with food inside. Jimin sniffed the air smelling the food he's been craving ever since they planned this get together.

"Come in guys! Well— not like you haven't seen the apartment before" Jimin laughs opening the door wide

"Wow Jiminie! This place looks amazing" Taehyung said with a wink

"Thank you Tae Tae. And it was all thanks yo you guys that it became so...so cute!" Jimin cheers clapping his hands together

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