8. MINE (make you mine)

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"HAHA! CATCH ME TAETAE!" Little Jimin screams running out the ice cream parlor door

"Jiminie be careful before you fall!" Jungkook shouts after him

Taehyung comes behind Jungkook and pats his back "Kook dont worry he'll be okay"

Jungkook scoffs "That's what you said the last time and then we turn around, Jimin's on the floor bleeding from his bunny ears"

The two friends look to see Jimin peacefully drawing on the ground with chalk. They're currently on lunch break so they decided to keep Jimin entertained.

Of course mid way while he was cleaning earlier, little Jimin came out. Jin and the others are use to it at this point.

Jimin is crotched down currently drawing a butterfly using blue chalk. He hums a song to himself as he makes the lines to his drawing the best he could. It's a little difficult because the concrete is a tiny bit rocky.

"Look! Look!" Jimin looks up to both Jungkook and Taehyung "I draw a butterfly!"

Taehyung gives his best smile "wow that's so cool Minnie! Can I draw with you?"

Jimin gives a little frown as he thinks "hmm...okay!"

Taehyung claps his hands in excitement and crouches down next to Jimin. He excitedly tells Jimin that he's going to draw a rocket ship. Jungkook just shakes his head at the two.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're just like him" Jungkook mumbles to himself

"What did you say Kookie?" An oblivious Taehyung turns his head to Jungkook

Jungkook just smiles and shakes his head "Nothing I said, it's a really nice day outside"

Taehyung started to draw a big rocket ship to impress little Jimin. But unfortunately, Jimin was upset that Taehyung's rocket was cutting into his butterfly drawing from earlier.

"Heyy Tae Tae my butterfly!" Jimin whines out loud "You're messing it up!"

Taehyung looks alarmed "Huh? Ohh shi— I mean shoot i'm sorry Minnie"

Jungkook chuckles "If Jin hyung heard you say that in front of Minnie—"

"Shut up no one likes a snitch" Taehyung said playfully pushing Jungkook's arm

Jimin whines again "Don't be like that! Don't hurt Kookie Tae Tae..."

Taehyung looks at Jimin worried and then cups Jimin's face with his hands "No baby we were just playing. Right Kookie?" Taehyung then gives Jungkook a knowing look

While this was happening Jimin's attention went behind Taehyung. Across the street he sees the man that makes his heart pound double time and his stomach produce butterflies. Jimin points his finger across the street to his crush.

"T-Thats..." is all he could say

Taehyung looks behind him releasing Jimin's face from his hands. Jungkook also looks to see that it was Jimin's next door neighbor. The man was across the street on his phone texting. He sat on a bench located near the jewelry store across the street.

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