You're adorable, and I know it. (OC x Canon)

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This is when they are still worker drones :D
Also Cyn is a lil more innocent here as this is when she didn't know about her solver powers yet


Cyn didn't like herself.
Well, she did but she wished people would like her for who she was. Three do, yes, X, N, and V but not all of them do.

Cyn wishes people would respect her at least, or maybe that's because of Tessa's folks. Though sometimes when she wasn't locked in the basement or chained up, she was with X, because she felt a comfort in him.

X was shy and kinda scared of Tessa's parents, yes, but that didn't matter at all. He still enjoyed spending time with Cyn. She's wondered why, maybe pity or maybe he genuinely likes her.

She would stray away from everyone and hide in her room, a room she shared with Tessa, X, V, N, and J. Sometimes this guy named Allen would come because he wanted to hang with Tessa or maybe she was chained and needed comfort.

Cyn decided to sit next to her toy dollhouse and pick up a figure. She made it sit down and tried to sit down like it as well. She failed, her wobbly hands were palm-side up and her head was tilting. She had to hold up her head, she didn't like it.

She just decided to bring up her knees to her chest and rest her arms there, even if Cyn was in an awkward position she weeped a little. Sad that she wasn't truly respected and had these limb problems. And her voice, it was like an actual robot talking. But somehow X, N, and V didn't mind it.

"I hate this." Cyn mumbled to herself.

She sat there for ten minutes, crying a little and looking around the room. Empty. Empty that is until she heard footsteps. Probably was J or Tessa who wouldn't even care or look. Apparently she was only basement material, why did Tessa even bring her to her home in the first place?

But those steps weren't from them, they were from X.

"Oh hey Cyn!" He waved at her, though soon noticed her sad expression. "Is something wrong?"

"Why can't I sit like everybody else, sniffle?" Cyn looked at his light, blue eyes. He sat beside her, his expression was sympathetic.

"Oh Cyn, you're unique. I-I don't think there's nothing wrong with the way you sit." X said to her softly, reassuring her. Though Cyn didn't feel cheered up at all.

"That's what they all say. Yet they avoid me like I'm a disease, sniffle. They lock me in the basement or chain me up." She looked away from him, tears displaying in her eyes. "Sad expression, they don't like me, sad face."

"Cyn..." X mumbled, he gently grabbed one of her hands and held it. "I don't treat you like a disease, do I?"

"N-No..." Cyn looked at him again.

"I'm never mean to you, right?"

"No, you care."

"There's drones that do care for you. Me, N, and V." He smiled at her.

"But the others don't, frown!" Cyn pulled her hand away from him, burying her face into her shaking knees. X sighed.

"You wanna know something Cyn?" He pondered, she only nodded slowly in response. "I'm not liked that much either."

"Really? Confused expression." She looked up at him, one hand holding her head.

"Uhm, yeah. The other worker drones are a little jealous I don't get yelled at Tessa's folk as I try my best to do what they need." X said. "Also, J might not like me because I defend you and find potential in you."

"Oh, really? Head tilt." Cyn used her hand to cock her head a little. "What potential is that?"

"Well, Cyn, could you come closer for a sec?"

"Scooch, scooch." She said, moving a bit closer.

X put his hands on her shoulders, making Cyn look at him.

"You're adorable, and I know it. Don't let others emotions and thoughts take you down, okay?" He smiled.

"Smile, nod, okay!" She exclaimed happily.

"Now, do you wanna read about snakes with me?" X asked, Cyn nodded with delight. She really loved snakes.

X helped her up and they both went to the little library display in the corner of the room, picking up their favorite book, "Snake facts and snake types.".

"Can we continue the one about baby snakes? Puppy eyes, please?"

"Yeah, sure! I don't mind Cyn." He giggled. "Baby snakes are born from eggs..."

He read to her and they soon fell asleep, Cyn on shoulder and X on her head.


N and V came up to the room, they needed to get something from the tiny library in the corner but they saw X and Cyn sleeping together.

"Aw! V look!" N cooed, V looked and awed as well.

"We should get them some blankets and pillows." V said to him, he nodded.

N grabbed a soft, red blanket while V got two pillows. They placed the blanket on them while the pillows were placed behind. They made sure they laid down on them as they didn't want there necks to hurt.

"I'm glad Cyn is getting the love she needs." N smiled, V nodded.

"Hopefully everyone will respect her and learn to not mind her." V said, placing a hand on N's shoulder.


Muahahahaha cough
Anyway, the oneshots begins

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