Meeting You (OC x Canon)

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When they first met!
Also when Cyn didn't get (or know) her powers.


I woke up immediately, I didn't know where I was. All I could see was discarded heads and oil splattered everywhere.

I wasn't too deep into the mess of dead worker drones but I quickly got out of the pile. Scared.

It was raining, I saw that I had no clothes on, not that no one was here but I took a suit with some pants and shoes from a dead worker to put on me. I was very cold.

I didn't know where I was. I wanted to be safe. I don't wanna see dead bodies.

"Hello?" I heard a male voice call out. I immediately turned to see a human. He shone the flashlight at me and I winced at the brightness.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the manor? What's a little guy like you doing out here?" He came closer to me.

"Manor?" I mumbled in question.

"You...woke up here didn't you?"

I nodded shyly.

"Here, grab my hand and you can come with me." He held out his hand, I took it and quietly thanked him.


We got to the manor and I gasped at how big it was. We went through the doors and out of the rain.

"I know someone who will happily take you in." He told me. "What's your name? I'm Allen."

"I don't...have a name." I murmured softly.

"Don't worry, we'll find one that suits you little guy." Allen patted my head as he took me up some stairs. We were going past rooms and eventually we stopped at one. He knocked on the door and a "Coming!" was heard.

"You'll love her, just like I do." Allen said a bit too lovingly.

"O-Oh Allen!" An Australian girl opened the door and she stepped outside, she had someone behind her. It was a drone, like me.

I hid behind Allen and looked at the both of them shyly, I was too afraid to say hi.

"Tessa, I was looking at the uh...drone graveyard and found this little guy in the rain. Poor guy doesn't even have a name of his own." He patted my head, Tessa looked at me and awed.

"Aw, hey little guy. You'll be okay with me." She also patted my head, was I that adorable?

"Cyn? Could you greet him while I talk to Allen?" Tessa told the drone behind her.

"Nod, yes." She said, her voice was unique. Allen left me to go talk to Tessa, I hesitated to let go but eventually did. I looked to Cyn, she had yellow eyes.

She went up to me and I backed away a little until I let her...boop my nose?

"Boop." She smiled. "Hello there, wave." She made a waving motion.

"H-Hi." I waved back, smiling a little.

"I am Cyn, you don't have a name?" She tilted her head in question, I nodded.

"You look like an X."


"Yeah, that as your name!" Cyn used her hand to lift her head, her legs were mispositioned, she is strange. But strange in a good way.

"Yeah, X." I smiled to myself.

"C'mon! I'll show you the rest of Tessa's drones!" Cyn grabbed my hand as she pulled me into the room we were standing in front of. There were three other drones. Two girls and a boy.

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